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Spicy foods might cause that.

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Q: Foods that cause reflux in breastfed babies?
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Do green beans cause gas in breastfed babies?

Yes, green beans can cause gas in breastfed babies due to their high fiber content. It is recommended to introduce green beans gradually into a baby's diet to monitor any potential digestive issues.

Do beans cause gas in breastfed babies?

Yes, beans can cause gas in breastfed babies due to their high fiber content and potential to produce gas in the digestive system. It is recommended to introduce beans gradually into a baby's diet to monitor any potential reactions.

What foods tend to cause acid reflux?

Everyone has a different body and so have different things that can cause discomfort to them. Some foods that cause acid reflux are citrus-related foods (such as oranges and lemons) as well as fried food. As for beverages, coca cola and other sodas are a big factor of acid reflux.

What are foods that cause aid reflux?

Reflux is the regurgitation of acid stomach contents back into the stomach. Some beverages loke coffee, cocoa and some extra spicy foods are not recommended for who has reflux.

Do onions cause gas in breastfed babies?

Onions can sometimes cause gas in breastfed babies due to their high fiber content and potential to be a gas-producing food. It is recommended to monitor your baby's reaction to onions and consult with a healthcare provider if you notice any discomfort or changes in their digestion.

Can you tell me which foods cause heartburn and acid reflux?

If you have heartburn or acid reflux disease eating foods can be challenging. You need to stay away from very spicy foods as they cause flare ups.���heartburn-gerd/guide/���heartburn-foods-to-avoid

What are some foods that can cause acid reflux?

Many foods can cause symptoms of acid reflux to be particular severe, but primarily foods that are high in what lay people consider "hot" spices and sauces are the worst culprits. Avoiding spicy foods such as traditional Indian food, nachos, pepperoni, and Slim Jims will help reduce acid reflux problems.

Do beans make breastfed babies gassy?

Yes, beans can make breastfed babies gassy due to their high fiber content and potential to cause digestive discomfort. It is recommended to introduce beans gradually into the mother's diet to monitor any potential effects on the baby's digestion.

What foods cause acid reflux symptoms?

High fat foods, spicy foods, as well as tomatoes and other fruits high on acidity can cause acid reflux symptoms to appear. Having smaller meals and not eating close to bed time can help you avoid symptoms.

Where can I find a list of foods that cause acid reflux?

Acidic foods like citrus fruits and juices will definitely make acid reflux worse. For a list of foods to avoid to keep your acid reflux under control, I recommend this article:

Which kinds of foods are safe for me to eat so I don't have a bad reaction?

Spicy foods usually cause most people to have acid reflux. Greasy and fatty foods also cause people to have acid reflux. Try eliminating those from your diet for a few days and see if that helps any.

What are some acid reflux foods?

Acid reflux can be triggered by various foods, most notably those that are spicy. In addition, acidic foods, such as tomatoes and oranges, or high-fat foods, such as poutine, can triffer acid reflux.