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Q: Does therapy work for everyone
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Is Family therapy effective?

Family therapy is only effective if everyone involved wants help and wants to make the situation better. If everyone is willing, therapy can be very helpful.

How effective is family therapy?

Family therapy is only effective if everyone involved wants help and wants to make the situation better. If everyone is willing, therapy can be very helpful.

How does inversion therapy work?

Inversion therapy is used to relieve back pain and is not safe for everyone. It involves hanging upside down, and the head-down position could be risky for anyone with high blood pressure, heart disease or glaucoma.

How does massage therapy work during a surgical procedure?

There is no massage therapy work that is performed during a surgical procedure.

How does the FSBPT and the Florida Board of Physical Therapy work together?

How does the FSBPT and the Florida Board of Physical Therapy work together?

What is Pre-Occupational Therapy?

Pre-occupational therapy is a group of classes that are taken at the university level before classes can begin for occupational therapy. A person taking classes in pre occupational therapy, can work as an occupational therapy assistant.

Was dance therapy first used in the 1940s?

Dance therapy began as a profession in the 1940s with the work of Marian Chace

What is the job of a therapy animal?

A therapy animal basically brings joy into people's lives. A therapy animal is very gentle, and its main job is to just love everyone. Therapy animals visit old folks homes and patient wards to try and get them to be happier during the hard times ahead.

What are the other answer to prevent a broken family?

Don't get born into a dysfunctional family. If you are, then try your hardest to make everyone get along, no matter what.

Does group therapy work?

Group therapy should work for people dealing with these types of problems. Talking to other people dealing with the same circumstances will always help you with your problems.

Does massage therapy really work for aches ?

Yes, massage therapy really work for aches. You can find scientific proof and read more about it at -

Does laser therapy actually work?

Laser therapy seems to work to correct eyes when people are nearsighted or farsighted. It is also reported to help people with cataracts and macular degeneration.