

Best Answer

Yes, running is an ideal exercise for weight loss, if done in a right way. But very few can achieve an effective weight loss by running because of defects in their weight loss program.

The most important thing is your diet, so have a healthy diet and exercise to see the best results.

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Q: Does running in morning reduce weight?
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Does morning walker reduce weight?

Morning walk is a powerful exercise that help you stay fit and healthy, you will feel fresh throughout the day. You should try running or jogging in the morning to reduce some extra fat with some other exercise. Eat healthy and fresh.

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How can you lose some weight fast without running?

you can reduce your weight by doin' yoga and y taking proper amount of diet and you also reduce it by running and dieting is also a good way to reduce the weight but dieting includes lots of salad and sprouts so that weakness can be avoided .. weight should be according to your height.. so next time before buying chocolate, have a look on your tummy :)

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You can reduce your cholesterol through a variety of actions. One of these actions includes daily exercise. Since running is considered to be exercise, you should be able to loose weight. Running will make you heathier.


diet try chia seeds and take a run every morning and dont eat when boared

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Soccer helps by reduce the weight in the calves as soccer is involved with running burning fat around the calves. This answer brought to you by Dr. Mohamed Hassan



How do you reduce weight in your legs?

Spot reduction is not possible, when you shed pounds its from your whole body depend on your body type. Just eat healthy and exercise such as running, cycling, it is much effective for weight loss.

How do you lose 20 lbs in 1 week percent?

There is many ways to lose weight! Do exercise, drink Green tea, running in morning, Jumping Rope

Does running reduce the risk of heart disease?

Running is a good way to reduce heart disease. If you want to ease into running you can start by walking. Any bit of exercise is vital when you are trying to reduce heart disease.

What are the main benefits of running?

The best benefit is improving cardio vascular conditioning. Running is also a great way to loose weight and to help reduce blood pressure. All of these things promote a longer and healthier lifetime.

How do you reduce weight from thighs?

Its true that spot reduction is not possible, you will lose weight from entire body depending upon your body type and activities you are doing. The exercise such as running, jogging and other aerobic exercise are good for weight loss from thighs and lower body.