Microfilm is used for long term storage of your documents, if you need to keep your files for more than 7 years then microfilm is probably the best media to use. Microfilm can last up to 400 years and is readable by the eye, this means that you do not have to migrate any software so that you can read the files. A roll of microfilm can hold up to 2500 images on them.
The maintenance for Microfilm is very simple, as long as you keep the microfilms in a dark and temperature controlled room then the microfilm will last for approximately 200 years. Most people keep them in special cabinets, this helps store them and keep them in order. For more information visit www.thescanfactory.co.uk or sales@thescanfactory.co.uk
The library preserves historical newspapers on microfilm for long-term archiving and easy access for research purposes.
The library preserves historical documents on microfilm for long-term storage and preservation.
Microfilm is still used today primarily for long-term preservation of documents, especially in libraries and archives. It is also used for secure storage of sensitive information due to its durability and longevity. However, with the advancement of digital technology, the use of microfilm has significantly declined in favor of digital archiving systems.
Computer output microfilm recorder
roll microfilm
roll microfilm
Acetate was used in the construction of microfilm. The problem today is how to destroy microfilm since it is no longer used. Many historical issues are on microfilm and must be preserved via another means.
The word you're looking for is... microfilm.
You can find microfilm equipment in South Carolina at greenville-sc.addresses.com/b1/Microfilm-and-Imaging~38.html. Another good website is www.microfilm.net.au/?microfilm_links