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There are some treatments doctors can prescribe such as a steroid cream, or there are some procedures they can do to help allow you to retract your foreskin.

Phimosis is actually a natural state of affairs. when a boy is born the penis is not fully developed yet and the foreskin is still firmly attached to the glans penis. this situation can last for anything from months to years, However in normal development the foreskin is released from the glans long before puberty. However at this stage in the case of boys that don't have the opportunity to play with their foreskin which has the effect of stretching it the foreskin tends to fit snugly over the glans. this can be reasonably easily resolved with gentle manual stretching, under warm water or in the bath the addition of cortisol cremes can also be helpful and in a mater of a week or two the foreskin moves back and forth over the glans penis as it should. his is a particularly problematic situation in The United states as many doctors there are not properly trained in the role of the foreskin.

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Q: Does anyone have a phimosis or tight foreskin cure that really works?
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What is partial circumcision?

Partial circumcision removes only part of the foreskin. Partial foreskin may be used to treat phimosis (a tight foreskin) that does not respond to gradual stretching exercises with a corticosteroid cream. Instead of removing the entire foreskin, partial circumcision only removes the tight phimotic ring that prevents the foreskin from being retracted. Many men with phimosis prefer partial circumcision to complete circumcision as it retains most of the foreskin, which functions in several ways to increase pleasure during sexual activity.

Is it normal for the skin around your penis to get tight when you get erect?

This is called phimosis, where the skin of the foreskin becomes tight and sometimes painful. It can be alleviated by gentle stretching and if this does not help, surgery or circumcision can be indicated.

How can you tell if you have phimosis or am starting puberty late?

Phimosis (a tight foreskin) and late puberty are two different problems that have little to do with eachother. If you are 15 years old and do not have pubic hair or have not experienced any of the other changes of puberty such as underarm hair, penile growth, or voice change you should see your pediatrician or family doctor. While it is usually perfectly normal for some boys to go through puberty later than others, occasionally delayed puberty is due to an existing medical problem. If you can not pull your foreskin back to expose the head of the penis, then that would be called phimosis. Phimosis is easily treated by using a series of exercises to gradually stretch the opening of the foreskin along with a topical corticosteroid cream. This works in about 9 out of 10 cases of phimosis, meaning that you'll be able to keep your foreskin and avoid a painful circumcision. For more information on stretching, search wikianswers for: "How do you cure phimosis?"

Does a guy with tight foreskin can make a girl pregnant?

Yes. For sure.

Can your 2year old son get a circumcised?

No. A tight foreskin is normal for 2 year olds. Usually the foreskin can not be retracted until at least 4 years of age. There is no need to wash under the foreskin until the boy can comfortably pull back his foreskin himself. Parents should never try to force back the foreskin, as this can cause injury to the penis and scaring, making it hard for the foreskin to retract when the boy is older. If phimosis persists for older boys, teenagers, or adults, it can be treated with a corticosteroid cream (betamethasone 0.05%, available by prescription) and gentle gradual stretching. This fixes phimosis in 90% of cases. Only if this doesn't work would circumcision even be considered.

Does Texas Medicaid cover circumcision?

Normally no. It will not pay for infant circumcision as that is not a necessary medical procedure. It will not pay for any circumcision done for cosmetic reasons. However, Medicaid will cover circumcision when it is medically necessary, for example when an adult male has phimosis, a chronic constriction of the foreskin that prevents normal functioning of the penis.

Men with a tight foreskin that can not be pulled back to uncover the head of the penis?

see your doctor

Is puberty embarrassing?

I do not think you have anything to worry about. If you were asking these questions at age of 18 or 20 years, then I could understand your concerns. Just give yourself a few years and you should be ok. As for the foreskin not retracting, you know, it is so silly to think that you have to do things to hurt yourself or to be like somebody else. Just because someone says you have to retract your foreskin why do you think you have to do it? The reasoning is not correct that if a foreskin isn't retractable it can cause problems with cleaning and sex, and if it doesn't retract it's not functioning properly. There actually are millions of men in the world at any one time, myself included, who do not retract their foreskin. I have a number of current patients in a similar condition and have, in the past, treated men in Europe, Asia and other countries with the condition of tight foreskin. Not one that I have personally met and not one that I have ever read about has a problem with cleaning. Nor do they have problems with masturbation or sex. And I have to join with them in saying that it is ridiculous to suggest that our penises are not functioning properly. Your penis and your foreskin are a unique team. They work together almost always in perfect harmony. Some guys have a foreskin that retracts, so they retract it. Some guys have a foreskin that does not retract, so they leave it alone. Some guys have had their foreskin removed and no longer have a choice. If you are watching videos, then the guys are probably porn stars and they do so much drugs and other stuff that their sexuality is no longer normal in any case. I would not worry about them. If your foreskin does not easily retract, do not try to force it to. It does not have to. You do not have to pull the foreskin back to put a condom on, to masturbate, or to have sex. It is an absolute nonsense to think so. Only fools will tell you this is necessary. Some people label a tight foreskin as phimosis. Generally people with a tight foreskin do not have phimosis, they just have a tight foreskin. There are millions of guys in the world with this condition which is quite normal. The only abnormal thing is when you try to stretch a foreskin that does not need to be stretched or try to use medications that rarely have any beneficial result. The unfortunate thing is that retraction has been taught, mainly in USA, because personal hygiene was not taught. Washing a penis with the foreskin covered (not retracted) is very easily achieved and very efficient. Any boy or man can be shown how to do it if they are having a problem. The same goes for masturbation or sex. Many will argue that it is much more effective and it certainly feels great. I cant compare it to an open foreskin, because I have never done it that way. Just leave your foreskin as it was intended to be. Anything you do to yourself that hurts is normally not a good thing to do, so don't do it.

Are straight jeans silly?

Yes they are, they are to tight and anyone who wears them must get really humiliated in large crowds

What is the best way to be circumcised with the frenulum being excised also In other words how much foreskin should be removed in the circumcision?

The best way to be circumcised is not to be circumcised at all. Circumcision has no known medical benefit and has the risks of potential complications and adverse events following the procedure. Circumcision also decreases the sensitivity of the penis, resulting in decreased pleasure during sexual intercourse. Circumcision is generally only used to treat cases of phimosis (tight foreskin) that do not respond to the usual treatment of gradual stretching exercises with the use of a topical corticosteroid cream. When circumcision is medically necessary because of a tight foreskin (phimosis), typically as little foreskin as possible should be removed. Typically only the tight phimotic ring will need to be removed, meaning that 2-3 cm of the foreskin will be removed. If you wish to be circumcised for cosmetic reasons, you may have as much or as little of the foreskin removed as you would like. I would recommend against having the frenulum removed, as this would only result in making sexual intercourse less pleasurable. Radical circumcision is not recommended. It can cause painful erections and painful intercourse. It also desensitizes the penis, making orgams more difficult to achieve and less pleasurable. The frenulum should generally not be removed during circumcision. Religious groups performing circumcision have their own standards and expectations from the procedure. Traditionally, circumcision within Judaism and Islam has involved removal of only a few centimeters of the foreskin. However, in the United States most circumcisions remove the entire foreskin, so that none of it remains to cover any part of the penis head.

Your foreskin is very tight when your penis is erect but loose when it is flaccid help?

That is perfectly normal, and nothing to worry about.

What age will you notice you have phimosis?

Firstly, you shouldn't worry about having a tight foreskin (Phimosis) because there is always something that can be done to help and alleviate the condition. You may need to visit your GP for advice or referral to a Urologist for consultation and/or treatment if by the time you are an adult the skin is still tight and non-retractable. 95% of males can retract their foreskin by adulthood.Boys foreskins are fused to the glans at birth and do not retract until somewhere between the ages of 5-years-old and the teenage years, It varies. There should be no pressure put upon any boy to forcefully retract the skin as this can cause damage to the foreskin with stretching or splitting the skin thus causing scarring, and be dangerous if the foreskin was to get stuck behind the glans (Paraphimosis), this then causing a medical emergency ! If there is scarring on the foreskin it can make it harder to retract, if at all.Phimosis can be treated either by yourself or with medical assistance:By gentle stretching of the skin, with or without the use of a topical steroid cream prescribed by your GP.By changing masturbation habits and techniques. Try a different method to see if you can gently pull the foreskin back and forth when erect.Preputioplasty; which is minor plastic surgery to make a small slit cut into the tight ring on the foreskin making it wider to retract over the glans. There is always a risk that this simple surgery turns the cut into scarring as it heals which then reduces the width, and maybe causing phimosis to return again.Circumcision; which is to remove the foreskin completely and the more radical and severe of treatments. Most males can manage to function fully sexually though without the need for circumcision, even without the foreskin being able to fully retract.