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Q: Does a lingual arch hurt
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Inter-arch distance between upper first molars measured from the lingual CEJ to CEJ across the upper arch in the adult patient?

32 mm

What serves as the posterior hard palate and the posterior lingual gingiva?

The soft palate serves as the posterior hard palate, while the glossopalatine arch serves as the posterior lingual gingiva.

What is the prefix of lingual?

It could be multi lingual. It means a person who can use different or a lot of languages

Do lingual braces hurt?

Lingual braces may cause discomfort or soreness initially after they are first placed, similar to traditional braces. However, any discomfort typically subsides within a few days as your mouth adjusts to the braces. Over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax can help alleviate any discomfort.

How much are lingual braces also known as ''hidden braces?

Lingual braces are placed on the back side of your teeth. So, they are called as hidden braces. From:

What percentage of tooth removals that cause an infection?

usually tooth extraction does not lead to an infection. usually a tooth is extracted because of an infection. however, common infections that can occur from extractions are sinusitis if the extraction is on a tooth on the upper arch. or sub lingual space infection if on the lower posterior arch. a dry socket can develop if no clot forms.

Which area of the body receives oxygen and nutrients through the lingual artery?

Lingual artery

Who gave the tri-lingual formula?

The Tri-lingual formula was given by Sir John Sibree.

Where is the lingual vein or artery located?

The lingual veins begin on the sides, and underneath the tongue, and, passing backward along the course of the lingual artery, end in the internal jugular vein.

What tonsils are located at the back of the tongue?

The lingual tonsils are located at the back of the tongue. They are a collection of lymphoid tissue that help protect the body from infections.

Another name for hyoid?

The lingual bone. See the related link for more information.

Why is the lingual pit an important consideration for the maxillary molars?

A lingual pit on the lingual surface of a maxillary molar is at an increased risk for cavities, due to both increased biofilm retention and thinness of enamel forming the walls of the pit. Enamel sealants are recommended to be used on the lingual surfaces of erupting teeth, although sealants have been shown to not bond as easily on lingual surfaces as they do on the occlusal surfaces.