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no it only hurts UNDER your ear

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Q: Do your ears hurt when you first get your braces tightened?
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Do bracecs hurt?

Yes and no. They hurt when you first get them but after that, they only hurt when you get them tightened. But braces are so worth it.

When braces are tightened does it hurt as much and for as long as when they are first put on?

Yes it does. Most of the time, getting your braces tightened is painful yes although I don't remember it being quite as painful to get them tightened as it was when I got them put on initially.

Do braces hurt a lot?

Braces generally don't put people into intense pain but they may hurt for the first few days after you get them tightened, but if you eat soft, cold things you can keep the inflammation down.

Do braces hurt when put on?

at first they just feel tight and weird but shortly after they cut my gum and were real sore for about a week it goes away but they are usually sore after you get them tightened.

Does getting your braces tightened and the colors changed hurt?

Yes, it hurts a lot ecpecially if it is your first time. It can sting around your gum line, and if you have crooked teeth it will hurt 10x more. So, it hurts A LOT! Well, when I got my braces tightened it did not hurt me at all! It may hurt afterwards for the first few days. After you get used to getting them tightened, it wont hurt at all afterwards. It only takes about 5 times to get used to it. Trust me, you will be fine :) It just takes some getting used to :) If you are wondering what they do to tighten them it is easy. Like I said, the process doesn't hurt but it may be a little bit sore when you are done. :)

How bad do braces hurt when you get them?

they dont hurt unles they are being tightened that can happen at almost every check up. so you eat softer foods for a couple days.

Do you hate your braces?

Personally, I don't really like my braces. But I wouldn't say that I HATE them. They hurt sometimes, especially when I get them tightened. But, through all the pain, I still love my braces because they are making my smile straighter every day.

Does it hurt when yougr braces get fixed?

yes it does hurt when you get your braces fixed. Its just like getting your braces put on again for the first time.

Does it hurt having braces HONESTLY and please tell me the thruth?

Well when you first get them on it dosent. But the next morning you wake up it does. You can't even eat or bite. That is why i recommend you biting as much as you can when you get them on or tightened because then it won't hurt as much and you will get used to it.

Are braces good for you?

Yes!! i Currently have braces and they really do help. Yes, they sometimes hurt, but the teeth straightening is completely worth it. If you are afraid of the metal in your mouth, invisalign is a good substitution.

Why do braces hurt the next day?

Well, when I had braces after I got them on I was thinking no way is this going to hurt it doesn't hurt at all....... but when I got home my teeth were throbbing, and couldn't stop! Now when this happened I took medicine, but didn't seem to help. The braces tightened your teeth so they start moving, and of course your never used to the braces, how heavy they are or even how it's pulling your teeth. So every month or so I'm getting them tightened, and it hurts super bad, so sometimes at the dentist, they would put different wire on, like the thick kind I just got on hurts worse! I hope I answered your question!

Does getting braces on and off hurt?

It hurts right when you get them on for like a day and a half then it goes away. when you get them tightened it starts to hurts, but hurts more on the 2nd day then the 1st. when you get them off it doesn't really hurt