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yes, if the wound is large, hold pressure until you can get assistance!

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Q: Do you press the open wound to control bleeding?
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Cut is open and bleeding What should you do first?

Put direct pressure on the wound until bleeding slows. If possiable closes the wound tight as you can and hold there with tape.

What should you do if you split your head open?

If you split your head open, you should apply pressure to the wound to control bleeding and seek medical help immediately. Try to keep the wound clean and avoid touching it with dirty hands to prevent infection.

4 life saving steps?

1: Open airway and restore breathing and heartbeat. 2: Stop the bleeding. 3: Control, or treat for shock. 4: Dress and bandage the wound.

Is there a possibility of catching aids on a train if you have an open wound?

You'd need to get a fairly significant amount of infected blood into your blood stream though an open, undressed wound. So if your wound is open, and they're bleeding all over the place then it could happen.

What are two steps in controlling bleeding in an open wound?

apply bandage and pressure, if that don't work then tourniquet

What is a sign ir symptom of an open chest wound?

Hmmm...difficulty breathing, profuse bleeding from the area where the wound is, and a big hole in the guy's chest that shouldn't be there.

What would happen to people who have an open wound and did not clot naturally?

They have to see a doctor if it does not stop bleeding. Unless the bleeding stops they'd eventually bleed out and die.

A what is an open wound with great soft tissue damage jagged damage to the outer skin and bleeding?

laceration, captain novanet

Which of the following is a sign and symptom of open chest wound?

There will most likely be a large gash in the chest, and a symptom is bleeding and/or crying.

Do you apply a bandage if the wound continues to bleed?

If a wound is bleeding severely, it is best to cover it with a bandage and pressure. Direct pressure on an open wound may cause some damage, but stopping the bleeding is more important.

What are some signs and symptoms of an open chest wound?

S/S include but are not limited to: obvious bleeding, air escaping from wound, atypical chest movement, bradycardia,altered mental status

Method of using super glue to close open wounds?

Clean the edges of wound with alcohol, press the edges of wound together and apply drops of super glue over the edges.