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Q: Do senators and congressmen pay their own medical insurance?
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Can deduction taken for medicare 96.40 be reimbursed by own medical insurance?

No. Medical insurance covers medical expenses, not insurance premiums.

What insurance provides medical and property damage coverage if you are in an accident with someone who does not have insurance?

Usually your own insurance.

Did Obama say that military to get own medical insurance?


Where can you find a list of US congressmen?

You can find a list of congressmen at The House's own website available through the link below.

What happens if you have a lapse in health insurance?

You are responsible for your own medical bills.

When you are 18 yrs old and on your own are you responseible for your own medical bills?

Yes, you should be. But you can get health insurance.

Person is 26 years old and on her parent's medical insurance but has also taken out her own individual medical policy Which is primary insurance?

The individual policy is always primary.

At what general age does one have to find their own medical health insurance?

The general age where one does have to find their own medical health insurance may vary from country to country however in the United States the common age is twenty-one.

Where can one find more information about Assurant Medical Insurance?

Assurant Medical Insurance (also known as Assurant Health Insurance) has their own website that has an overview of all of the policies that they offer, as well the benefits that one would receive.

What types of medical systems does the US Government offer to citizens?

The US Government offers health insurance for employees in the public sector. For employees in the private sector, they have to purchase their own medical insurance.

Can you get an international health insurance policy if you plan to travel to Europe for a year?

Yes. This type of insurance is called Expatriate Medical Insurance. This insurance is also called Global Expatriate Medical Insurance. However, you may find that the host country has its own form of health care. This type of plan offers the same medical care you would get in you home country.

Where can one find more information about travel insurance for medical conditions?

Information should be available about travel insurance for medical conditions by contacting one's own insurance broker. One can also consult online the site Comparethemarket for more details.