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Heart surgeons have a high liability insurance rate due to the fact they are working with life and death daily. The don't get sued a lot but they do get sued some.

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Q: Do heart surgeons get sued a lot?
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Why do surgeons wait to perform surgery while patients are still in litigation?

Surgeons are not barred from performing surgeries simply because they have been sued. In fact, a lot of surgeons have several lawsuits going on at any given time. They only need to stop performing surgeries if their license is revoked or if a court orders so.

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This is a difficult question to answer. Payment of surgeons depend on lot of factors 1. country of employment -US surgeons are paid better than Ugandan Surgeons 2.Private Sector paid better than Public. 3. Pay normally increases with number of cases done. 4. senior surgeons paid higher than junior surgeons. 5. reputed surgeons paid better etc.etc.etc.

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Plastic surgeons, heart surgeons, and brain surgeons all make the most salary out of doctors.

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A cardiologist. A Cardiac Surgeon . All cardiologists are not necessarily surgeons.

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Kathy Magliato has written: 'Healing hearts' -- subject(s): Heart, Heart surgeons, Anecdotes, Surgery, Women surgeons, Biography

What Are some Facts About Surgeons?

Surgeons should have Eagles eyes, Lions heart, Ladies fingers, and Cool as a cucumber

Has anyone seen a heart before?

Of course ... Heart Surgeons have seen many hearts.

What is the name of the Doctor Who treat the heart?

Physicians who treat the heart are cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons.

How much is a heart surgeons yearly income?

a heart surgeon makes 5 dollars a year

Which medical field doctors earn more money in the world?

Many earns a lot. There is scale to understand. Earning is a dynamic process. But many will agree that 'SURGEONS' with narrow specialities like Heart Surgeons, Neurosurgeons, Plastic surgery specialists are on the top list with income.

How many pro athletes are sued?

a lot