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The disadvantages of unhealthy persons is that they cannot perform well what other healthy persons can. They can be easily affected by different kind of diseases, thus adding to their unhealthiness.

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health -wise , we are less active in everyday activity because we spent so much time on our computers . In our increasingly hectic lives, lack of sleep (42%) and stress of everyday life (27%) is a great impact of modern life .

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> increased disease risk such as diebeties,cancer, and heart failure.

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obesity causes cancer

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you can become fat

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Q: Disadvantages of health in modern lifestyle?
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the lifestyle in America is a modern day lifestyle.

What are the disadvantages of not having a healthy lifestyle?

you will get obese and die sooner and if your obeses then you will find it hard to live a normal lifestyle.

How eassy on disfavour on modern lifestyle?

Modern lifestyle can be detrimental to overall well-being due to factors like excessive screen time, sedentary behavior, unhealthy eating habits, and high levels of stress. These can lead to physical health issues, mental health challenges, and a general sense of disconnect from the natural world. It's important to strive for balance and incorporate healthy habits to counteract the negative effects of modern living.

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