Yes. He noticed how milkmaids caught cowpox, but didn't get smallpox. Cowpox was similar to smallpox but much milder so didn't kill people who caught it. The milkmaids who had caught cowpox didn't catch smallpox because their body had become immune to it after having cowpox. To test this theory, Jenner took some of the pus from a cowpox spot from a milkmaid and injected it into a boy named James Phipps. He fell ill, but didn't die. He then recovered and Jenner took the pus of a smallpox spot, in a high dose, and then injected this into James phipps. This was very risky because smallpox at the time was very deadly. James Phipps did not fall ill. The cowpox had made him immune to smallpox. This vaccination was done on more and more people to make more people immune to smallpox.
Edward Jenner
Edward jenner
English doctor who introduced smallpox vaccinations
No. Vaccinations are not compulsory in most places.
in what year did edward Jenner make the word virus up?
Edward Jenner was the creator and discoverer of the small-pox vaccination.Edward Jenner invented/discovered vaccinations. he found out that when he gave somebody a small dose of cow pox, (similar in its composition to small pox but non lethal) it made his patients immune to contracting small pox. He was a great man, one to be admired the world over.
it was edward Jenner
Edward Jenner came from England.
Yes, Edward Jenner did marry.
he didnt find a dinosaur he figured out that people who had cow pox were immune to small pox. after this people discovered vaccinations.
The Edward Jenner Museum, in the home where Jenner lived most of his life, is named for him.
In 1788, Edward Jenner married Catherine Kingscote.