usually the doctor's will take a few xrays before deciding on anything. If the xrays show nothing than no, they will probably tell you to ice than heat and keep repeating it until the uncomfortable feeling goes away. But if the xrays show concerning results they will most likely send you to a orthopedic (bone doctor). Hope this helps!
It draws, or marks, a straight line to show where to follow with your stitches to close up the edges of the clothes that you are making, or repairing.
no they do not have bones, just a big wormy body full of muscles.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ^actually this is incorrect. worms do in fact have bones thats why they show up on xrays looking like dragons
They experimented with xrays on the prisoners in the concentration camps. Mostly at Auschwitz.
Yes. A patient should be fully informed of their medical condition and all treatment should be explained.
Yes ocd is a mental problem, what else could it be? Xrays of the brain show ocd.
Yes ocd is a mental problem, what else could it be? Xrays of the brain show ocd.
I just got my xrays taken for my left knee, it was four xrays for $100, it may be more other places
Sometimes the dissolvable stitches takes longer to dissolve. If it is external and accessible, just cut it and remove it. Deep sutures can be left and will eventually dissolve. If it causes recurrent problems with infection, the wound can be explored and stitches removed.
the take-up lever i think
It kind of depends on where the stitches are. As long as the stitches are somewhere that they won't be stretching and pulling, you should be okay. If it is somewhere where the skin will be stressing during the boarding, hold off until they are removed. It hurts like crazy to have stitches rip, and it will mess the wound up even worse. Also, keep in mind if it is somewhere you are likely to scrape on the concrete or asphalt if you trip or bust, you are likely to mess them up too. If they are on a hand or knee, you might also want to hold up. Be careful not to sweat the stitches all up. The area needs to stay clean and dry.
Xrays are damaging to developing babies. Only as last resort.