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It is not recommended that a person put cortisone on a burn. Aloe vera or an ointment is the best option for burn aftercare.

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Q: Cortizone on burns
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How does cortizone shots effect your health?

Cortizone is a synthetic steroid hormone. It mostly only affects the local tissues by reducing inflammation.

If cortizone cream i?

If cortizone cream is not working, it is either to severe of an allergic reaction or it may be fungal in origin. You will likely require a prescription cream to treat this

When cortizone for allergic outbreak?

Use Allergen Plus!

Can borage oil be used instead of cortisone?

Borage isn't cortizone, but helps your body to produce its own cortizone by stimulating the adrenal gland. To get the benefit of borage, you would consume it in a tea or infusion.

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You should not use cortizone cream for something else other that what it is meant for. This is because it has an active steroid ingredient and may cause side-effects.

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Cortizone is a brand of anti-itch medications, manufactured by Chattem, that contain hydrocortisones.

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I don't think it is wise to give dog cortizone, unless they are desperately ill. Cortizone affects their breathing and many other areas of their body.

Why are too many cortizone shots bad?

because if u have to many u may get even sicker

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he invented the cure for Glaucoma and other things

What ingredients in steroid injections for rheumatoid arthritis?

(cortizone) injections or (kenalog injections) can be given systemically to help reduce arthritis flares.

Will cortizone get rid of bruises?

No. A bruise is a collection of blood under the skin. The only thing that will get rid of it is time. The blood has to reabsorb into the body.

What does a cotrisone shot due?

1. it hurts so have fun with that.. I've had 8. 2. numbs the area for multiple weeks so that you can preform full activity. another thing chief, you spelled cortizone wrong. so spell check should be your new best friend. also its do not due. better check yourself before you wreck yourself. GOOD LUCK WITH CORTIZONE IT HURTS LIKE A B