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If you suspect a serious illness encourage the individual to seek a medical opinion Do not perform acypressure when the individual feels full after a meal Do not perform acupressure if the individual is exhausted or shocked, if the pulse rate is very fast (above 90 beats a minute) abandon acupressure Do not perform acupressure if there is an infection present Do not perform acupressure in pregnancy Do not perfom if there is ahistory of cancer-THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE CONTRAINDICATION. With history of heart lung liver or kidney disease ensure that a doctor has given permission for the individual to have acupressure therapy Sarah

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Q: Contraindications to acupressure
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Tony Rusli has written: 'Acupressure' -- subject(s): Acupressure

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First of all, it's acupressure, with one c. Secondly, no.

How can you do acupressure yourself?

You can do acupressure all over your body to yourself. You can rub your feet, your hands and your head.

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