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That depends a lot on what kind of stomach surgery you are having. If it's anything particulary invasive or drastic, you probably won't be eating for a few days (but you won't feel like eating either). You will probably receive glucose and fluids through an IV drip if you are not allowed to eat.

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After after tummy tuck surgery you can eat a healthy balanced diet.

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Q: Cannot eat after tummy tuck surgery?
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How do you reduce tummy size?

You can starve yourself, eat healthy and work out, or take pills, have a tummy tuck but that's cheating.

When should a person avoid a tummy tuck?

Avoid aspirin, alcohol, vitamin E and certain medications before you think about having a tummy tuck operation. Your doctor might also want you to not eat certain foods before the operation.

Had tummy tuck in 2003 now lower part of tummy sticks out every time you eat why?

With a tummy tuck, the muscles are also folded over to make them tight and flat again. Sometimes, the internal stitches used to tighten the muscles can give way and lead to bulging. Also, if the tummytuck was part of a procedure that included internal abdominal surgery, the muscles can separate in the middle-line. In this case, the bulge is a hernia, where the muscles move away to the sides when there is increased pressure inside the abdomen such as after eating, or when coughing.

If I have a tummy tuck, will I be required to eat a special diet?

I was able to find a good website,, where several doctors have responded to your question. As a nurse, in my experience immediately fallowing a tummy tuck as with any surgical procedure it's best to start with liquids the first day and progress to a bland diet the next day. This helps reduce nausea and vomiting after your procedure.

What are the main advantages of NYDJ tummy tuck jeans?

NYDJ jeans are said to give a fuller figured woman a slightly thinner appearance. While thin is in, it would be best to eat healthy and exercise because being healthy is more important than just looking thin.

The In's and Out's of Tummy Tucks?

Losing a significant amount of weight through diet and exercise is something to be proud of. It is good for health and good for your emotional well-being. But so often after the pounds are gone, the flab and extra skin remain, especially on the tummy. The same is true after multiple pregnancies. No matter how many sit ups, crunches, jogging, or walking that you do, that unsightly sagging is still there. One way to get that abdomen flat again is through a surgical procedure called abdominoplasty – a tummy tuck. Before you consider this though, keep in mind that it is major surgery. It is important to learn all you can about the procedure, the preparation involved, and the recovery before you make a decision to have a tummy tuck. Who is a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck? The procedure is best suited for women who want to tighten their abdominal muscles and skin after pregnancies or for men or women who were at one time obese and lost a considerable amount of weight. Preparing for the Surgery There are a lot of things a doctor will have you do before an abdominoplasty. · Smoking can cause complications and slow the healing process. If you are a smoker, you will be required to stop smoking at least three weeks before and three weeks after the surgery. · You will probably be asked to quit taking medications like aspirins, NSAIDs, and blood thinners. These can cause a risk of bleeding. · You should eat healthy, nutritional meals and stop dieting during the days before surgery. The Procedure Depending on whether you are having a complete tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck, the procedure can take from one to five hours. In a complete abdominoplasty, an incision is made from one hipbone to the other, just above the pubic hair. The surgeon will change the curve of the skin and the navel will be moved. With a mini procedure, the belly button will normally stay in place and the incision isn’t nearly as large because the fat deposits are below the navel rather than above it. This surgery can even be done with the help of a camera on the end of a tube. Recovery It can take up to three weeks to return to a normal work schedule after a tummy flattening procedure like this. Light activity can begin at about four weeks. Six to eight weeks after the surgery, most patients begin exercising and their normal activities. Expect swelling and considerable pain for the first few days. The scars may actually look worse in the first few months, but begin to fade by nine months after the surgery.

How do you maintain your tummy?


How much does a gray wolf eat?

they eat enough to fill up their tummy

How long can you go with out eating?

i would say about 4-7 days but your tummy starts to eat the fat inside your tummy

What is Wolf Waffles?

Yummy Yummy in my Tummy you can eat these wolfs

Which foods contribute to a smaller tummy?

What you do not eat can not fatten you, anything you do it can.

Can you over eat fruit?

Yes you can. It can give you tummy trouble.