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maybe. how long were have you employed them ?

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Q: Can your employer make you pay the remainder of your health insurance if you quit?
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If your employer does not offer you health insurance benefits can they make you sign a waiver of insurance?


Is it legal for my employer to make me pay into a health insurance plan even though I don't get health insurance through my employer?

No, it is not legal. Any money that an employer takes from your paycheck for a benefit must be used to purchase the benefit. ERISA, a federal law, prohibits an employer from using employees' money for any other purpose.

Can an employer make you take health insurance if you already have insurance with your parent?

Some companies get better insurance rates if they require all employees to buy health insurance. IT is cheaper because the insurance company is not covering just the people that need it or use it.

Can your employer legally make it manatory to take a health insurance plan that will be deducted from your pay?

I would not think so

What is a Health Reimbursement Arrangement?

A Health Reimbursement Arrangement, or HRA, is an IRS approved, employer-funded, tax advantaged employer health benefit plan that reimburses employees for out of pocket medical expenses and individual health insurance premiums. A health reimbursement arrangement is not health insurance. A health reimbursement arrangement allows the employer to make contributions to an employee's account and provide reimbursement for eligible expenses. A health reimbursement arrangement is an excellent way to supplement health insurance benefits and allow employees to pay for a wide range of medical expenses not covered by insurance. It is often referred to (incorrectly) as a health reimbursement account.

What is a health reimbursement agreement HRA plan?

A Health Reimbursement Arrangement, or HRA, is an IRS approved, employer-funded, tax advantaged employer health benefit plan that reimburses employees for out of pocket medical expenses and individual health insurance premiums. A health reimbursement arrangement is not health insurance. A health reimbursement arrangement allows the employer to make contributions to an employee's account and provide reimbursement for eligible expenses. A health reimbursement arrangement is an excellent way to supplement health insurance benefits and allow employees to pay for a wide range of medical expenses not covered by insurance. It is often referred to (incorrectly) as a health reimbursement account.

Does employer have to provide health insurance for employee's spouse?

No. Federal Law (ERISA) does not require that health benefits are offered at all. They can make those restrictions if they want to.

Can an employer make you take insurance if you do not have other insurance?

It is your choice if you want any at all you don't have to carry insurance but you should. Until recently, not having health insurance could result in fines from the Federal government.

What should I know before purchasing health insurance for a small business?

If you get discounts for more employees added and if you as employer need to make copays.

What can you do to lower you bills if you pay 25K per month as your portion for health insurance through your employer?

25K a month is a lot of mula to pay for health insurance bub! Can the questioneer clarify the 25K per month premium. How much does he make per year.

If you are denied temporary health insurance can you still be eligible for insurance from the same company when you start your new job?

Generally yes. Most employer coverage is guaranteed issue. If you applied for an individual coverage and were denied for underwriting reasons that should have no effect on the employer plan. In fact, it is common for someone with an uninsurable condition to make the availablility of health insurance a prime consideration when looking for a new job for this very reason.

Can your employer cancel your health insurance when you are on short term or long term disability because you did not make a payment on your insurance like is normally done through your paycheck?

Your employer's obligation to pay premiums normally stops when your paycheck does, that is, when your medical and personal leave is exhausted, and there is nothing left to deduct the premiums with. When that happens, the insurance company, not your employer, cancels your health insurance for lack of premiums. There are many ways to avoid this tragedy, including donation of leave by co-workers, if permitted, to keep the paychecks coming, or employer paying premiums for you until you are able to return to work. Good luck. JJ