Example sentence - The podiatrist recommended using an arch insert in her shoes.
Podiatrist is pronounced po·di·a·trist  (puh-dahy-uh-trist).
A charopadist
A podiatrist is a foot doctor.
Foot doctor!
A doctor who specializes in the feet is a podiatrist.
A podiatrist does.A podiatrist specializes in feet.
No. When simply referring to a podiatrist, there is no need to capitalise it. It would be capitalised if it was part of a title on a sign, such as "T.M.Smith, Podiatrist".
A foot doctor is a podiatrist , im trying to find the one about ankle myself aswell .
The podiatrist gave me inserts to wear in my shoes.
A Podiatrist.
A Podiatrist looks after the human foot