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No. I used to work in an animal hospital bathing dogs and this is what we were told:

Because baby shampoo is very gentle on the eyes, many people assume that it is also gentle on the skin. Babies spend a lot of time laying on their heads and also often develop cradle cap, and therefore require a harsher shampoo. All human shampoos also have a different pH balance than pet shampoos. Dogs (and cats) have much thinner and less oily skin than humans. You should only use specifically made for pets on your pet. Your local pet supplies store should have a decent selection of these, and your veterinarian may also sell some as well.

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Q: Can you use baby shampoo on your puppy?
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Can you use cat shampoo when giving your puppy a bath?

yes but use baby shampoo and be very gentle around face.

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Bathe the puppy in oatmeal shampoo or a mild shampoo, you can use Benadryl but it is best to ask a veterinarian how much to use, because a human dosage can kill a puppy. So please call a vet.

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No, it is not recommended to use hand soap on puppies as it may contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to their skin. It is best to use a gentle puppy shampoo that is specifically formulated for their delicate skin and fur.

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No, you can NOT wash a 3 week baby. It can be very dangerous!

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Only if it is baby shampoo. Adult shampoos are harsh on the skin of a dog and should never be used on a dog or puppy.

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If your rat needs to be bathed, baby shampoo would be fine.

What is a good subsitute cat shampoo?

Cat shampoo or baby shampoo. Human adult shampoo should not be used on a cat, it can hurt their skin.

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You can use baby shampoo

Can you use baby soap on 3 week old puppies?

well not really, because its not that good for the puppy so you might want to use real puppy shampoo

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Any shampoo that's available in puppy adoption centres.

Can you use shampoo on baby bunnies?

You should not shampoo any bunnies no matter how old they are.