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Up to 9 weeks is the very limit so the doctor would choose a surgical for you.

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Q: Can you take medical pill to abort a 9 weeks pregnancy?
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Related questions

Is there any pill to abort 1 month pregnancy?

There are pills to abort pregnancy after you have missed the period for 2 to 3 weeks. Any way consult your Gaenacologist for expert advice.

Can laxatives terminate 1 week pregnancy?

No, it can't. The morning after pill will not abort a pregnancy, it will have no effect once a pregnancy has occurred.

Can i take morining after pill if 2-3 weeks pregnant?

No. You cannot take the morning after pill when you're 2-3 weeks pregnant. The pill is meant to prevent pregnancy and to be taken within a few days after unprotected sex has happened. Taking the morning after pill now will not abort your pregnancy and will likely cause harm to the fetus (especially since the first trimester is a crucial time for development.)This is also clearly stated on the Morning After Pill box and pharmacists will not give someone who is pregnant this pill.

Is it possible to terminate the 9 days pregnancy if you will take a contraceptive pill every hour?

No. If you have a confirmed pregnancy the contraceptive pill will not make you abort. Only Mifepristone followed by Misoprostol will. Or Cytotec.

How long after you take the moring after pill can you take a pregnancy test?

2 weeks after.

Can you take the pill only for one month?

It's not advisable no. Taking the pill for one month will not prevent pregnancy as you need to be on the pill for 4 weeks before you can have unprotected sex without the risk of pregnancy.

What can be done against an unwanted pregnancy?

The best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is to use birth control such as the contraceptive pill and or condoms. If you find yourself pregnant unexpectedly and are not ready to become a mother, it may be possible to abort the pregnancy.

If you take birth control after pregnancy will it abort the pregnancy?

No, but it can cause the baby to have heatlh problems. A high dose of birth control is offered as "the morning after pill." It's used to stop ovulation to prevent fertilization.

When can you take a pregnancy test while on the pill?

You can take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had unprotected intercourse and it will be accurate.

Can take pill after 45 days of pregnentcy?

Not any pill but yes you can have a medical abortion within 65 days of pregnancy.

Stopped pill showed positive pregnancy test in one week?

A pregnancy test wont be reliable until after 2 weeks.

What is the pill called that you can take up to 7 weeks after conception to abort a fetus?

Mifepristone followed by Misoprostol. You get them directly from the doctor and take the first one at his office.