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In most cases, you can survive a pellet gun shot, but it will be painful, or worse. If you are hit just right (or wrong) you could die, so don't treat it lightly.

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Q: Can you survive a pellet gun shot?
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Related questions

What is the chances of dying if you get shot with a pellet gun?

Any pellet gun should be handled like a real firearm. Yes you can be killed with a pellet gun under the right circumstances.

Can you kill a bluejay with a head shot from a pellet gun?


How far will a Pellet travel from an air gun?

Can not be answered without knowing how heavy the pellet is, how fast it will be leaving the muzzle, pellet shape, location where it will be shot.

Can you die if he get shot with a air gun to the head?

Yes if it's a Pellet or BB gun, not airsoft. It is possible.

When shot with a paintball gun is it more painful if the pellet bursts or not?

It is more painful when the pellet does not burst. It often creates a welt.

Where is the best spot to shoot a squell with a pellet gun?

Head or Heart shot

Can a pellet gun kill a Canada goose?

It is possible, Yes, But it depends on the caliber, Weight of the pellet, the FPS of the gun. I suggest using a Pellet rifle not a pellet gun. I suggest a head shot using hollow point pellets. Also a license may be required to hunt the goose

What is the size of a pellet?

The size of a pellet or a shot for an air gun is dependent on which pellet you are looking at. The range of sizes is 1.3 mm to 15.24 mm for the largest ones.

What does BBB mean in shot gun shells?

It refers to the size of the shot pellet. It is the largest size of "birdshot", and each pellet is about .190" (4.83mm) in diameter. There are about 62 of these pellets to one ounce.

If you get shot by a gun will you have a scar?

Only if you survive!

Can you survive a gun shot through the head?

You can survive nine. But you have to rap about it.


It can leave everything from a welt to penetrating the skin and doing physical damage. Always treat a pellet gun like a firearm.