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mostly invisalign needs all of the teeth to work,but if your dentist or orthodontist is very experienced in doing invisalign they can do extraction cases but it all depends on where your tooth is missing from

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They are going to have to take out the wisdom teeth in order for you to have in Invisalign because, with your wisdom teeth still in your mouth after the Invisalign Tray set is all done with your teeth will just shift back to the way they were. That's what my dentist told me.

It would also be in your best interest to get all four of your wisdom teeth out at the same time, so you only have to go through the pain of it once.

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Q: Can you still get Invisalign if you have your wisdom teeth?
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Is it possible for patients with more serious case of tooth crowding and crooking to use Invisalign?

Wisdom teeth do not cause crowding and I can prove it. When I was in Dental School we did a study. We took one group of people that had impacted wisdom teeth and graded their front tooth crowding. We then took a second set of people that had normal wisdom teeth in full bite and graded their crowding. We took a third sample that had wisdom teeth removed at a young age (below 16 years) and graded their crowding. We took a forth sample of people congenitally missing all wisdom teeth and graded their crowding. Know what we found? Wisdom teeth had no bearing on crowding of teeth later in life. Those with no wisdom teeth at all had the same incidence of crowding as those with the most severely impacted wisdom teeth. We developed (or perhaps a better term is adopted) the mesial migration theory. The theory is that all human teeth that are not artificially locked into position will tend to move anteriorly (towards the front) throughout life. It is merely coincidence that teeth seem to get more crowded or begin to crowd around the same time as the eruption of wisdom teeth. Yes. Over the past 6 years since my wisdom teeth emerged, by front teeth, particularly on my top row, have overlapped. I have Invisalign now and the treatment duration is about 1 year, although the teeth will have the appearance of straightness in about 6 months. I have just started my Invisalign trays. My front teeth are somewhat crooked and I still have two wisdom teeth reamining. (upper right and lower right). I was convinced that my wisdom teeth would have to be removed before starting Invisalign, but that was not the case. From what I understand, Invisalign can handle a variety of cases and situations. It is definitely worth looking into as I thought I would have to have braces versus the Invisalign. I am 2 months into my Invisalign treatment and all 4 of my wisdom teeth are still impacted and have never caused me any trouble. My orthodontist did not see the need to have them taken out before my treatment. If they start to come through, I will have them out there and then, but not before. The extraction may be unnecessary and painful if they haven't been a concern. Wisdom teeth can stay dormant for may years and may never come through at all in some life times. My Mother had trouble for the first time at 57 years of age! It all depends on the crowding extent of the individual and how much movement there might be to aggravate the wisdom teeth. With the Invisalign treatment, selective teeth are slightly 'shaved' to create room to move, thus not pushing too many teeth back into the mouth. Yes, Invisalign braces will make your teeth straight, although they do not a perfect job under orthodontic rules compared to conventional braces. But your teeth will look much nicer and your crowding will be corrected. Your dentist will most likely recommend you to extract your wisdom teeth before using Invisalign if you are an adult.

Can you where invisalign if you are missing teeth?

Yes you can wear Invisalign if you have missing teeth, your dentist will put this on the Rx they fill out for Invisalign

If wisdom teeth cause your teeth to get crooked Do your teeth get straight after you get your wisdom teeth extractions?

Not necessarily. Teeth tend to become more crowed as we age, especially the lower front teeth. This happens in some people regardless of whether they have wisdom teeth or not. Therefore, removing the wisdom teeth, solely for the purpose of hoping to get naturally straighter teeth, won't work.

How old do you have to be to get invisalin braces?

To use Invisalign Teen you have to be 13-19 years old. But in some dentest offices you can be 11 and still get Invisalign Teen.

You are scheduled to have your wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow but you have an abscess tooth right next to it Can you still get the wisdom teeth pulled?


How many teeth does a grown up have have?

An adult that had they're wisdom teeth pulled or not come through then you have 32 teeth. But if you still have your wisdom teeth you have 36.

Can you still get your wisdom teeth at 29years old?


How do you know if your invisalign is working?

Your invisalign are working if your teeth are moving and each set fits properly. If you find that you are developing gaps in between your trays and teeth you may be off track.

What is the best invisalign benefit?

There are a variety of benefits to invisalign, including healthier teeth and gums, easier cleaning, and overall dental health. The best benefit is to have straighter and healthier teeth.

Are braces the only way to fix teeth?

no there is a solution invisalign

Does invisalign really work?

Yes, Invisalign is the perfect option in many cases, Invisalign is transparent aligners, thus no one can notice them. Invisalign are expensive than traditional braces as they are customized and involve modern technology. You can get better details online at Invisalign München,

If you have straight but gapped teeth and do not have your wisdom teeth yet will the wisdom teeth help close the gap when they come in?

It might help a little, but if your father or mother have gapped teeth, you probably will too.AnswerWhen your wisdom teeth will come out, if you have space, they might close some gaps between your back teeth. It is less likely that they will help closing the gaps between your anterior teeth. To do so, it is better to do an orthodontic treatment.I had gaps between my anterior teeth, like my grandfather did. It was corrected by braces in middle school within only a year. My wisdom teeth came in and still have plenty of room. I found that my teeth tend to move outward, so I still wear braces overnight at least once a week, fifteen years later.AnswerAlthough my teeth are straight, I have gaps in them due to their shape (normal teeth are triangular, mine are square) or so my dentist says. Because the teeth are already straight (not needing braces^), my dentist said the solution to my gaps is porcelain veneers. He also said that braces would only force my teeth together, and that they would constantly be moving back to their original place because they were already in the correct position. I had my wisdom teeth removed while they were still impacted. My mother also only had gaps in her upper front teeth, and when her wisdom teeth erupted they pushed her upper and bottom front teeth together, eliminating the gaps, but also causing her bottom teeth to become crooked. Waiting for you wisdom teeth to erupt is not the best solution to the gapped teeth, seeing as how they could cause other complications.