See your vet for proper treatment.
If you're certain it's a sprain and not anything more serious there isn't much the hospital can do for you. Ice it, elevate it and wrap it up.
This type of pain is called Ankle Sprain. This is the most common and the most relevant to this topic. This is typically normal but you will need to see a doctor if you are unable to walk.
X-ray machine can't see though led
Treatment for an ankle injury will depend on what the injury is and how severe it is. If it is a simple sprain, ice on the swelling can cause some relief. You can also take some anti-inflammatories for the pain and swelling. If it persists you should see your doctor.
While playing basketball, this player sprained his ankle. Probably not a good idea to play without shoes! Symptoms of a sprain include swelling and discoloration near the affected area.A sprain occurs when a ligament is inflamed or torn. Ligaments, such as those of the ankle, are bands or sheets of regular, tough fibrous tissue that connect bones together.Here is the normal state of the ankle and its ligaments. Depending on the severity of the injury, the ligaments may be mildly injured and inflamed as in a Type One ankle sprain; partially torn, classified as a Type Two sprain; or completely torn, making it a Type Three sprain.Treatment for a Type One sprain should include Rest, Ice, Compression and immobilization, and Elevation of the affected area. This is easy to remember if you think of the acronym RICE. If you suspect a ligament is torn or completely severed, see your health care provider for treatment.Reviewed ByReview Date: 10/06/2008Thomas N. Joseph, MD, Private Practice specializing in Orthopaedics, subspecialty Foot and Ankle, Camden Bone & Joint, Camden, SC. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.
It could a fracture, a sprain, or even a break. It could an infection, and so many other things. A vet needs to actually see the horse, get better information and be able to do tests on your horse. Only then could the problem be correctly diagnosed.
Yes an airport xray will pick up a diamond or multiple. ( source airport worker )
areas which are less dense and have allowed more xrays to pass through. eg Black = air, softer tissues. White= bone/ calcification
If you suspect you have a broken ankle, seek medical attention immediately. Follow the treatment plan recommended by a healthcare professional, which may include immobilizing the ankle, using crutches, taking pain medication, and attending physical therapy. Rest and elevate the injured ankle to reduce swelling and promote healing.