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Execute CPR as soon as a person having a heart attack stops breathing.

If you are CPR for the pro certified, the process adds a pulse check.

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Call 911 or the local emergency number and start CPR when and if the person stops breathing.

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No, angina is not a reason to perform CPR.

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Q: Can you perform CPR with heart attack?
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When you perform CPR you are providing what what and what to the heart and brain?

When you perform CPR, you provide blood, oxygen, and life to the heart and brain.

How do you perform CPR on patient who had recent heart bypass surgery?

Do not change the way you perform CPR for someone with recent heart bypass surgery.

Can CPR be done if a person has a mechanical heart valve?

Yes you can perform CPR on a person with an artificial heart valve. There is no difference on the CPR procedure with an artificial valve.

Is it okay to perform CPR on some one if they have had open heart surgery?

Yes it is OK to do CPR after open heart surgery.

Which heart condition would you commence CPR for?

cardiac arrest, such as heart attack

Can a person do CPR on heart attack?

Yes, a trained individual can and should start CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) on a person who has just had a heart attack. The goal of CPR is to restore blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body, and in a heart attack the heart stops pumping oxygenated blood throughout the body.

What do you do if someone is having a heart attack in front of you?

Call 911, then begin CPR

When should cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) be used?

CPR is used by First Aiders when someone has a heart attack and has no pulse, or when it is suspected that this is the case.

Do you perform CPR when victim is gasping?

No he is obviously breathing and his heart must be beating for that to happen

Do you perform CPR when a dog is conscious?

No you do not perform CPR when a dog is conscious.

What Test is perform after a heart attack?

Cardiac catheterization or an Angiography

Why is CPR important in heart attack?

CPR continues the pumping action of the heart by compressing it between the backbone & breastbone. The rescue breaths supply oxygen to the lungs. CPR circulates oxygenated blood throughout the body supplying needed oxygen to vital organs tosustain life.