You never give a massage to someone who has active cancer or who has a deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Yes. That would be a good idea. Anyone that has a thrombosis should consult with their doctor before receiving a massage.
Please, please do NOT make this decision on your own. Insist that your massage client gets a specific OK from her doctor. If you do not do this, and the massage damages her health, you could be held liable for her resulting medical bills.
It would likely dislodge a thrombosis; a blood clot that could cause a heart attach
Stop the massage and call 911 !!!!
That is not an easy question to answer. It is quite possible that you have blood clots in your legs, thrombosis. The best thing to do is to ask your doctor.
A thrombosis has the potential of having a blood clot, and that is dangerous if it gets dislodged and travels into an organ like the heart, lungs, or brain.
Massage is not a treatment for coeliac (or celiac) disease, which can only be treated by the avoidance of gluten in the diet, however, you can still massage someone with that disease. Massage is likely to be beneficial even if it does not treat this particular disease.
Someone else doing massage for you can use more pressure than you can use on your own body.
Videos that can teach someone how to do a proper massage can be found online. Sites like YouTube, America Online and Video Jug offer videos that teaches how to get a proper massage.