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Yes. That's why Insurance is a good idea. Even if you get Medicaid, at death they can get your house.

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Q: Can you lose your house to settle unpaid medical bills?
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Can you lose your house because you can't pay your medical bills?

Yes, indirectly. Your payroll and bank accounts can be garnished to the point of you not being able to pay your mortgage. Also the government can seize your house to settle unpaid tax debt.

Does cell phone or house phone bills effect credit scores?

yes,especially if it is unpaid!

How does a home get repossessed?

A home can get repossessed in many ways, the most common reason is that they owner of the house has not payed the bank the loan that they took out so as to by the house, or that the person hasn't pay many bills so they take the equivalent of the unpaid bills.

If you have medical bills that are more than you can pay can they put lien on your house?


Estate responsible for sister's medical bills?

Yes, the sister's estate is responsible for paying the debts, including the medical bills of the deceased. If a relative has co-signed any paperwork regarding medical procedures, they may be held liable. If they hope to inherit a house, they may have to pay the bills to avoid the house being sold to pay the debts.

How do you pay off medical bills without selling the house?

Sell other assets to resolve the debt. Or take a loan out against the house.

How are bills introduced in the house?

Bills can be introduced to the house by the house speaker.

In Arkansas must adult children pay deceased parent's medical bills out of parent's payable on death accounts if probated portion of estate is inadequate to cover the medical bills?

Arkansas, like most states, look at a number of factors involved. Typically the estate is responsible for paying the debts, including the medical bills of the deceased. If a child has co-signed any paperwork regarding medical procedures, they may be held liable. If they hope to inherit a house, they may have to pay the bills to avoid the house being sold to pay the debts.

Why is there a lien against the Gosselin's old house?

There is a $2,700 lien against the Gosselin's old house because the Gosselins have not paid the water bill.As Kate Gosselin has explained in interviews, she is responsible for all the household bills. There is no information on why the bill is unpaid.

Are unpaid taxes listed online?

unpaid taxes are listed online under whatever house they are on

Your fiance passed away both your names are on the house can the hospital put a lien on the house for his owed medical bills?

yes they can, and will if his bill is not paid. sell the house as soon as you can before they get a judgment against his estate.