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Yes, although the surgical team will do everything to minimize this possibility. Blood clots may form due to injuries to the inside wall of blood vessels, which leads to the clumping together of platelets and formation of blood clots.

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Q: Can you form blood clots after having Ednovascular Stent Surgery?
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What is the purpose of endovascular stent surgery?

to improve or restore the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body, a process called coronary revascularization.

Where in the body is a cardiac stent placed?

A coronary stent (or cardiac stent) is placed in arteries that supply blood to the heart. The stent is a tube that is designed to keep the arteries open to increase blood flow.

How long can a heart stent stay in?

They're usually intended to stay in indefinitely ! The purpose of the stent - is to wide the main arteries or veins in the heart - keeping blood flowing correctly. Once performed, the surgery is intended to be permanent.

Why is a stent used?

A stent is used when blood vessels are clogged (for example, because of a plaque that has grown on the vessel wall. This obstructs the flow of blood, which can have negative consequences for the tissues that are supplied with nutrients by the blood vessel in question. To improve the flow of blood, a stent can be deployed in the blood vessel at the place of obstruction. A stent will basically push the blood vessel open from inside.

Which of these prostheses is used to support blood flow through an artery?

a stent (apex)

Difference between stunt and bypass surgery of heart?

A stent is basically a hollow tube : put into an artery to force it to stay open. Bypass surg is just that : a vesicle is sewed in parallel to the blocked one so that blood can "bypass" the narrow area.

Type of surgery to correct blocked blood vessels supplying the heart muscle with oxygen?

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery See link under "Related Links"

What is the difference between a shunt and a stent?

A shunt is a passage between blood vessels which diverts blood. A stent is used to prop open an artery.

What is a stent in your neck mean?

A stent is a little stiff sleeve placed inside a blood vessel to keep the blood vessel open so the blood can flow freely through it.

What is the purpose of an intraluminal stent?

to improve blood flow

What is endovascular stent surgery?

surgical procedure that uses advanced technology and instrumentation to treat such disorders of the circulatory system as blockage or damage to blood vessels caused by the build up of plaque

What is a surgical tube which prevents a blood vessel closing?
