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Full term gestation of a fetus ranges from 38 to 42 weeks. Doctors primarily suggest 40 weeks in the EDD (estimated date of delivery), but a woman, especially first time mothers, can go into labor two weeks early or two weeks late of her EDD. However, if a woman appears that she will not go into labor after more than 42 weeks, or if the baby is already getting too large earlier than 40 weeks, the doctor will induce labor. That is the number they shoot for.

In any case, the best way to confirm paternity is a DNA test post-partum.

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yes they can but they use DNA now

Edit: Yes and No, the blood test will tell you the type of blood of child and father but there is more than one person who can produce a child with type AB blood when matched to a mother who is type B, for example. At best a blood test can simply eliminate fathers, never 'prove' one.

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It depends on how you answered the paternity suit. If you are not the parent and it is proved that you are not the father, nothing more needs done. If you are the parent, many more court dates could come to determine custody and child support.

Can you tell paternity by blood type?

You can not tell paternity by blood type. You can rule out paternity by blood type. For example, if both parents are O negative and the baby is type A positive, you can rule out paternity. The only way to determine paternity is by a DNA test. A few of the baby's hairs and the father's hairs can be sent to a lab. The lab can determine paternity.

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A paternity test can determine if there is a parent-child relationship between two people. A paternity test would give genetic proof of that relationship.

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How can paternity be proven with blood cells?

Contained within the blood are the genetic DNA "markers". They can be multiplied by PCR in hours and compared against the baseline to determine paternity. DNA is used as it has greater stability than RNA, both can be derived and determined by viable blood cells to determine paternity.

What are the release dates for Paternity Test - 2010?

Paternity Test - 2010 was released on: USA: December 2010

What proof is required to obtain a court ordered paternity test from non guardian?

The paternity test is the proof. The court will subpoena the other parent and ask them to submit to a paternity test, which will determine if they are the biological parent or not.

Can you have a blood test done to determine paternity while pregnant?

see link below "Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"

How can you file a paternity test without a lawyer?

Are you requesting a paternity test to determine if you're the father, or chasing down a father? If you're the man, see link.

Can you determine the father of a child if they were with the girl 5 days apart?

Yes, by a paternity test

Can a paternity test be performed while you are still pregnant to determine who the father is?


Can you tell if the DNA being tested is a woman's or a Man's if the test is just being done for paternity?

Paternity tests typically compare the DNA of the child with the alleged father's DNA to determine paternity. The gender of the child is not relevant in this test, as it focuses on specific genetic markers shared between a potential father and child to determine biological paternity. Therefore, the test does not distinguish between the genders of the individuals involved.