

Best Answer should not donate blood if you are tachycardic. Most blood banks will not allow you to donate blood if you heart rate is over 100. Some people with SVT can have a seizure if they donate blood. This is a question you need to have answered by your cardiologist.

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Can I give blood with supra ventricular tachycardia

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Q: Can people with supra ventricular tachycardia SVT donate blood?
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Can you donate blood with a ventricular septal defect vsd?

You can donate the blood with ventricular septal defect. But then you should not donate the same. You need to be given a bravery award for this attempt only.

What is a ventricular tachycardia?

Ventricular tachycardia-- A rapid heart beat, usually over 100 beats per minute.

Why do hospitals ask people to donate blood?

they ask people to donate blood so that they can give the blood to people who need it because they have lost alot of blood and or going to have a transplant or oporation.

What is a blood bank for?

A blood bank is for people to donate blood and to receive blood that people donated to get blood transfusions.

Should people with AB blood donate?

It is important for people of all blood types to donate blood. Blood donation is an easy way to save another persns life. Some blood types are more rare than others. People with AB blood type should donate, because their is a shortage of blood available.

Which kind of blood are people able to donate?

All people are able to donate blood, whether they are type A, B, Ab or O. In order to donate blood the person must be on his/her legal age, must not be underweight, and has no intake of alcohol in the past 7 days.

What is Blood Donation Camp?

It's a place where many people can donate blood.

How come people with AIDS are allowed to donate blood?

They aren't hiv acquired through donated blood have been human errors and not because they are allowed to donate blood.

What do you mean by Blood Donation?

this is when you donate or share your blood to other people who has/have a illness or disease

Rapid and dangerously uncoordinated ventricular contractions are called?

Rapid and dangerously uncoordinated ventricular contractions is called ventricular fibrillation, or v-fib. During v-fib, the ventricle is not pumping blood to the body, and thus v-fib is known as a lethal dysrhythmia.

What blood type can donate to everyone else?

Blood type AB can only donate to another AB type. Blood type O+ can be given to anyone, but a blood type like A or B or AB can only be donated to a person who has the same exact blood type as the person who is donating their blood.

How much of a blood donation is used to help people?

1000 ml in a time can be donate blood .