

Best Answer
  • "Yes and no. This has been a persistent myth for over 40 years but it actually does have some basis in medicine. Basically the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, THC reduces lutenising hormone (LH) in the genitals. LH triggers ovulation in women and is involved in sperm production in men. Result: a short-term (four to five hour) decrease in reproductive ability. Long term cannabis users, however, build tolerance to this effect and are immune." -
  • Heavy marijuana users appear to temporarily reduce the number and quality of sperm by as much as 50%. Sperm actually have receptors for certain compounds in marijuana that resemble natural substances and which may impair the sperm's ability to swim and may also inhibit their ability to penetrate the egg. In a 1999 study it found that men who smoke marijuana have a lower sex drive and less frequent sex.
  • I never argue with 'science', but all those babies born in the 60s? I smoke a ton of weed and my sex drive is through the roof. I couldn't imagine my libido being stronger than it is. Plus, my wife got pregnant within a week of trying. It's probably a lie to scare people. The whole "Reefer Madness" Propaganda.
  • No, smoking marijuana won't make you sterile. There have been some studies that show an impaired functioning of the testes and a slightly lower sperm count, but the effect is not pronounced, and is not long lasting. Even in heavy marijuana smokers, sperm count is only down a few percent. The figure quoted above, that 50%, must have come from a really narrow study. A 10% reduction is probably a more realistically documented number.

No. Smoking marijuana does not make you sterile. There has no accurate studies or information that allows for the assumption that Marijuana causes sterility in men or women.

In fact Marijuana is an aphrodisiac, meaning it is a sexual enhancer for both men and women.

Smoking Marijuana does not make you sterile.
No. That's a myth made up to scare boys away from weed just like the "if you masturbate you'll go blind" myth.

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Q: Can marijuana make you sterile
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