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Yes they can it's very small and looks nothing like a baby and usually an internal ultrasound is perormed. This is a small pole that they insert into your vagina as it's easier to see from there as the pregnancy is actually very tiny wht's shown will appear on the screen but I doubt you'd be able to make anything out unless you knew what you were looking for. Due to the small size of the pregnancy it's unlikley a doctor would want to do an ultrasound at this stage unless it was to determine absoloutely that you were pregnant in the first place, which is unlikley as there are other ways of telling. X

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Generally, the answer is NO.

However, during weeks 3 and 4 when the gestational age (or fetal age) is 2 weeks, the earliest change that can be seen with a vaginal ultrasound is the "decidual reaction" which is the thickening of the endometrium. The endometrium lining thickens as the blastocyst burrows into it. This cannot always be detected by ultrasound-sometimes it may take a special eye or hi-resolution equipment to see this "reaction" in the endometrium lining at that very early stage.

And remember that when using ultrasounds, it is the transvaginal ultrasound which can detect development in the uterus about a week earlier than a transabdominal ultrasound.

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Q: Can doctor see anything in first month of pregnancy with ultrasound?
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Hi am first month pregnant but having severe pain on both sides of your lower abdomenmy doctor advised you for ultrasoundis it safe to go for ultrasound in the initial stage of pregnancy?

Yes, it is very safe to have a ultrasound. Your known how your pregnancy is progressing via the ultrasound and you can also see your little one. Good luck but go for this ultrasound asap because pains need to be investigated.

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The first trimester of a pregnancy lasts up until week 12. If you are 11 weeks pregnant and you have a competent sonographer, there is NO WAY you could miss seeing an intrauterine pregnancy (a normal pregnancy inside the uterus). If you had an ultrasound and the sonographer didn't see anything (even as early as 5 or 6 weeks you should see a gestational sac) then you have probably miscarried already. Take another pregnancy test with your doctor's guidance. Another scenario that might come up (if your pregnancy test is still positive) is that you might have an ectopic pregnancy (where the egg implanted OUTSIDE of the uterus). This is fairly common but can be a serious disorder. The egg can implant anywhere in the pelvis or abdomen, but if you're 11 weeks along and you're not in a lot of pain, then that's probably unlikely. Go back and talk to your doctor.

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Do you need an ultrasound to tell if you have an ectopic pregnancy?

Yes, you do. An ectopic pregnancy is just like a "regular" pregnancy for the first few weeks. Everything feels the same. An ultrasound is done early in a pregnancy to check things out, and if a pregnancy is ectopic, a good ultrasound technician will be able to spot it. There is no other non-invasive way to discover an ectopic pregnancy, and because of the risks posed by an ectopic pregnancy, it is critical to discover it early - if in fact there is one. Ectopic pregnancies are invariably life-threatening events, and prenatal care is important for that and many other reasons.

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No it is far to early to say anything about pregnancy in the first week.