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Yes, though it depends on what you mean. Many males do accumulate fat where women have breasts, but this is not true breast growth.

Some males have a hormone imbalance which produces a medical condition called gynecomastia. That is the occurrence of female-like breast tissue on men. While there is surgery available if this is severe, this condition is usually temporary and self-limiting. For some teens, it may come from different cells in the testes developing at different times. Contrary to popular belief, the gonads in both sexes do not directly produce sex hormones. They produce precursor hormones which are combined by the time they are released into the blood. So if only part of the chain of events needed to make the hormones take place, then the body may produce different sex hormones until the gonads mature more. Similar would explain some facial hair in girls, particular if they are in certain ethnic groups.

Sometimes gynecomastia is a result of using anabolic steroids. So if a child is suddenly bulking up with muscles and is also developing breasts, some investigation is in order to see if they are taking steroids.

Then there are Male to Female transsexuals who take female hormones and/or get surgery to obtain breasts as part of a complete sex-reassignment program that requires hormones and genital surgery. Nowadays, some with transsexualism are being allowed to start hormones during puberty when they will do the most good and prevent their bodies from becoming deformed with hormones they should never be producing. It is sad that the media stigmatizes these children, accuses them of being "transgendered," and violates their medical privacy, all in the name of producing news.

There are also fetishists and transgendered persons who illicitly take female hormones but who decide to keep their male genitalia for life. These are not the same as persons with transsexualism as mentioned above. Still, for whatever reasons, they decide to grow breasts.
no its not normal maybe, if they are a little chubby they may have

man boobs

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15y ago

Yes they can . You could also try these methods ,each one scientifically proven 1: Putting on some weight 2: Massaging the breast / nipple into lactation. 3: Sit down imagine them growing and feel them becoming bigger . (This effect has been proven) 4: Hormone therapies 5: Surgery

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Q: Can boys grow breasts
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No not normally but they can get moobs if they are fat. ( man boobs)

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No, waffles do not make your breasts grow.

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Girls develop breasts due to the hormones in their body. Usually, breasts are developed at the age of 10-13 They have different hormones to boys, which is why boys dont have breasts.

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The size of breasts teenage boys love is any as long as you have some

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You can't make your breasts grow bigger and faster. Your breasts grow as they are meant to and there is nothing you can do to speed-up that process or make them grow bigger.

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No. Nothing can really make your breasts grow.

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Foods do not help breasts grow.

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It is normal for your breasts to get larger as you grow.