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Arrangements to obtain a court order for mental health services may be made through the county Clerk's Office. Anyone over the age of 18 who has personal knowledge of someone they believe poses a danger to him or herself or to others may request a mental health warrant.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The answer may well hinge on the laws of the individual state. Anyone can peititon the court for a mental competency HEARING. The petitioner will be required to provide proof to the court (usually medical and/or psychiatric testimony) that a particular person is incomeptent. If the evidence and testimony that is presented is convincing to the court they may issued an order of commitment or name a guardian or conservator for the mentally ill individual.

Many (all?) states also have statutes that give certain lay personnel (usually specified to be law enforcement officers, EMT's, or psychiatric social workers) the emergency authority to take into custody those perople who are exhibiting

behaviors that, in the opinion of the lay person, make them appear to be imminently dangerous to themselves or others. These emergency commitments are limited in their duration (customarily no more than 72 hours) whcih gives the individual taken into custody the time to be observed and evaluated by a medical Doctor Who will then render an opinion of the committed individuals mental state.

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