drink what?? if water then its 8 to 10 glasses for ur age but if u r talkin abt other drinking ....plz clarify ur question!
no it is not what would a 11 year old boy need energy for ? its more harmful to younger people.
Well I'm 12 and for me it all depends on how mature you are. If you sit at home playing tea party all day then you have no chance. Dress up and don't be afraid to be yourself. So to answer your question yes a 12 year old boy WOULD like an 11 year old girl.
The average 11 year old girl should drink 8 glasses of water a day minimum. The athletic girl has to drink more water ecspecially after all that hard work. Remember to drink a tall glass of water when you wake up because you breathe out about 1 liter of water while sleeping.
You have to be 11
ask another eleven year old.
drink milk. why do you want to be so tall?
of course!
Yes, an 11 year old is a child.
You have to be 11 years old
No, because you are minors.
like whatever the 11 year old likes