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yes, i have a tumor in my femur and that's how they found it.

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Q: Can a tumor in the femur bone show up on an xray?
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The Xray reveals that you have a benign fatty tumor in a bone... inter (inside) osseous (bone)

Does a tumor show up on an xray?

not unless your bones are moved forward because of it

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Why do you have the xray?

Usually to check for broken bones or bone malformations.

Can arteries show up on xray?

If they are calcified, such as an aorta that has plaque build up. Abdominal aortic aneurysms can sometimes be seen on xray in this situation. However, in general, arteries do not show up on xray.

Does a bone xray show up arthritis?

A bone x-ray can show signs of arthritis, such as joint space narrowing or bone spurs. However, it may not always be the most sensitive imaging modality for detecting early stages of arthritis, as changes in bone may not be as pronounced in the initial phases. Other imaging techniques like MRI or ultrasound may provide more detail in such cases.

Where and why do you use xrays?

You get an xray taken at a hosbital and it is used to see if you have a fractured or broken bone

What else could look like pneumonia in a lung x ray?

Tumor. Pnuemonia shows up as white spots on the xray, it is known as infiltrates (fluid or pus). But growths can show up the same as they are denser than the surrounding tissue.

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What if you see black areas on a bone Xray?

areas which are less dense and have allowed more xrays to pass through. eg Black = air, softer tissues. White= bone/ calcification

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