aneurism is the dilation or weakening of the blood vessel usually occurs at the base of the brain and the heart.
Yes, a tooth abscess is a bacterial infection. You have many species of bacteria in your mouth and this is the cause of one of those abscess.
Yes, a cat can die from a tooth infection if left untreated. The infection can spread to other parts of the body and cause serious health complications. It is important to seek veterinary care if your cat is showing signs of a tooth infection.
If the infection spreads that far, yes, it certainly can.
yes get it fixed right away cause around the area were that tooth is will swell on the surface of your face!!!!!!!!!!
usually tooth extraction does not lead to an infection. usually a tooth is extracted because of an infection. however, common infections that can occur from extractions are sinusitis if the extraction is on a tooth on the upper arch. or sub lingual space infection if on the lower posterior arch. a dry socket can develop if no clot forms.
if it is the source of an infection, it can
An infected tooth can cause death. But it isn't really from infecting your brain. It will go into your airways and swell them up then you can't breath. A tooth infection can become very serious. The infection can go into your bloodstream. A person I knew was very sick; they did all these tests. His wife insisted it was his teeth, and it was!!!!!!!!!
Unless it is an emergency, you should not have any kind of surgery with any kind of infection. Talk to the doctor about getting the tooth infection and perhaps even the cause of the infection, cleared up before scheduling your hysterectomy. If the surgery needs to be done immediately, it is important the doctor know about the tooth infection prior to the surgery.
tender tooth with swelling jaw means infection?
yes you can treat a tooth infection with medication
The only way is to have a root canal or have it taken out. Both have to be done at the orthodontists. An infection in the tooth is very serious and should be taken very seriously as it could spread to the nerves of your tooth and cause pain to neighboring teeth etc.
When I go running in the morning, I get ear and yes tooth ache! I asked people including a doctor about it, and no-one seems to know. You are not alone...