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Q: Can a male still get Aids after a vasectomy?
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Can you get hiv from a man with no prostate?

HIV/AIDs is spread through contact of mucus membranes like the mouth and genitals. The prostate is an internal organ.

Will a man with a vasectomy show semen under a black light?

No, a man who has had a vasectomy will not have semen in his ejaculate. A vasectomy is a permanent form of male contraception that prevents sperm from being present in the semen.

Is Vasectomy for males or females?

The vas deferens is part of the male reproductive system, so it's male.

Why is a vasectomy very effective in preventing a female to get pregnant?

A vasectomy involves cutting or sealing the vas deferens tubes that carry sperm from the testicles. This prevents sperm from being ejaculated during sex, reducing the chance of fertilizing a female's egg. It is a highly effective form of permanent contraception.

What is the surgery called to make a male unfertile?

That's commonly called either sterilization, or a vasectomy.

What is a visictimy?

Perhaps you mean vasectomy, a form of male birth control, where the vas deferens is severed.

Who is still alive and has aids?

Magic Johnson is still alive and has AIDS. He had AIDS since 1999or 2000 i cant remember but he is healthy, but you can die from aids but Magic is still holding strong

Can a transgender woman get aids?

Anyone can get AIDS. Male, female, straight, gay or combination.

What is it called when Vas deferens are snipped or tied off?

When the vas deferens are snipped or tied off to prevent the transport of sperm, it is called a vasectomy. This procedure is a form of permanent male sterilization.

Does a male produce sperm every time he makes love?

not always, if he has a successful vasectomy then it can't be released

Who is the famous ballet male dancer who died of AIDS?

Rudolf Nureyev is probably the most famous male ballet dancer who passed away from AIDS in 1993.

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of a duct that results in male sterilization?

Vasectomy is the medical term meaning male sterilization by removal of part of the vasa.