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if your a female O YES! well he cant tell without doing a pap test so without one of those he cant, im not sure if they can tell on males seeing is how nothing about a males body changes after he looses his virginity

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Q: Can a doctor tell if you are sexually active?
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How do i tell my mum i am sexually active I'm a boy?

Is perfectly OK to confine in your mom that you are sexually active, the best she can do is to take you to a doctor. You don't want to fool around in catch any viruses.

How can you tell if someone is not sexually active?

You generally can't. There aren't any visible signs of being sexually active or not being sexually active, unless you see them in the act.

If you are sexually active under 18 and you went to the gynecologist could the gynecologist know that you are sexually active and then tell your guardian?

Yes the Dr. can tell if you are active and there is a privacy law about telling your parents.If you dont want them to know tell your Dr. At 18 you are no longer considered a minor and the privacy act would not allow the doctor to tell your guardian. You don't have to say a thing because you are an adult now.

Can you tell if someone is sexually active from a blood test?

It is possible to tell if someone is sexually active from a blood test. This will be done in addition to other clinical tests so as to be certain.

Can a doctor tell if you have been sexually active and how long for?

what does he do to your vagina to see if you are sexually activeMany women do not have hymens fully intact because of the many sports and other physical activities that we do as we grow up (and using tampons) so no, a doctor cannot tell if you are sexually active. If he did a PAP or a urinalysis or looked at a vaginal discharge under his microscope, he could have found sperm which would be an obvious sign of sexual activity. Also, it is possible that based on your questions, or why you came to see the doctor, he/she may have guessed that you were sexually active. After seeing thousands of women, a good doctor develops a sixth sense for these things. For example, you can often tell if a woman has ever had sex, or if she has been sexually abused by the way she reacts during the PAP and pelvic.

How can you tell if a girl is sexually active?

Unless she is pregnant, or you are her sex partner, you will have to ask.ask her

You just became sexually active and your period is late this month but your periods are irregular anyway are you pregnant?

If your periods are irregular anyway then there is no way to tell, I advise you to see whether you have a period next month, if not then go and see a doctor for a pregnancy test. If you have only recently become sexually active then you should be using protection anyway.

Will my OB doctor tell my parents that i am sexually active?

If you're seeing an obstetrician (OB doctor) logic dictates that you're pregnant and the doctor won't have to tell your parents because time will.(If you mean an Ob/Gyn,and you are seeing the doctor in their capacity as gynecologist, of course then it does not necessarily follow that you are pregnant.)Depending on your age and what state you live in, most likely the doctor is not allowed to tell your parents whether you are sexually active. This is to promote trust between patient and doctor, without which useful medical care is unlikely.If in doubt of local laws, call the doctor's office and ask what their policy is. If you are worried about anonymity, you might either call a different doctor's office to ask or look up the number of a local Planned Parenthood clinic and ask them.

I need help my mom and dad think im not a virgin and they want to take me to the doctors and check if im a virgin or not and im scared because im not a virgin and if they find out they will kill me?

1) A doctor cannot tell for sure if you are a virgin or not. It is possible to have sex without tearing the hymen (I assume you are a girl), and it is also possible to tear the hymen without having sex.2) Your doctor is legal bound by Doctor-Patient Confidentiality, which means that they legally cannot tell your parents, even if you tell your doctor that you are not a virgin.3) Your doctor will likely ask whether or not are sexually active any time you go in for a check up. This is for your own well-being, as if you are sexually active they may test you for Sexually Transmitted Infections and/or give you a pelvic exam and pap smear (which tests for cervical cancer). If your doctor asks, you should answer them honestly, as these tests are important to your health.

What do you do if your parents find out you are a very sexually active with many men?

You tell them the truth... nothing else to do

Should you be sexually active if you have state 4 pancreatic cancer?

There is probably no reason a person with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer should not be sexually active. Talk to your doctor to make sure. Your comfort level is the most important

What do you tell a boy who asks about being sexual?

well tell him what you feel, if you dont want to be sexually active tell him, if your not ready then tell him, but if you do then tell him, you just have to be honest and hopefully he will understand