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The used of farm machinery reduced drastically the number of workers a farmer needed.

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Q: Which group of workers was most negatively by the increasing use of machines?
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What the name of a group of wind machines?

A wind farm.

What is the difference between factory and industry?

Something is to be manufactured is factory(in factory worker called as Labour), a group of factory is called as industry( in industry workers called as employee).

What do you call a group of gears?

It should be stuck together in a group of gears and the gear module is the same.

Which group does cop-per belong?

Metal, non ferous.

A simple machine is a mechine that consist of?

simple machines is a tool that make lifting of objects. There are lots of examples like a steam roller,well and even a scooter or submerine.Okay bye fromyour love lesbian...Simple machines are basic machines that make our work easier using push or pull such as lever, inclined plane, pulley.A simple machine is a machine without moving parts.,If I am understanding your question correctly, you are asking what are the types of simple machines. There are six types of simple machines these include; levers, pulleys, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, and lastly, screws.I hope this information helps you, J. SalsiederA simple machine is defined as a mechanical object that changes the direction the force applied. Simple machines include levers, pulleys, the wheel and axle, inclined planes, screws, and wedges.A simple machine is something that helps make our lives easier. These are the simple machines:lever, inclined plane, pulley, wheel and axil, wedge. and screwsimple machinea machine that does work with only one movement; includes the inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel and axle, and⋅chine  /məˈʃin/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [muh-sheen] Show IPA noun, verb, -chined, -chin⋅ apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work: a sewing machine.2.a mechanical apparatus or contrivance; mechanism.3.Mechanics.a.a device that transmits or modifies force or motion.b.Also called simple machine. any of six or more elementary mechanisms, as the lever, wheel and axle, pulley, screw, wedge, and inclined plane.c.Also called complex machine. a combination of simple machines.4.Older automobile or airplane.b.a typewriter.5.a bicycle or motorcycle.6.a vending machine: a cigarette machine.7.any complex agency or operating system: the machine of organized group of persons that conducts or controls the activities of a political party or organization: He heads the Democratic machine in our city.9.a person or thing that acts in a mechanical or automatic manner: Routine work had turned her into a machine.10.any of various contrivances, esp. those formerly used in theater, for producing stage effects11.some agency, personage, incident or other feature introduced for effect into a literary composition.-verb (used with object) make, prepare, or finish with a machine or with machine tools.a simple machine is like a lever a pulley or a inclined plainsimple machines are machines that are easy to use and don't use any electricityThere are six types of simple machines:leverinclined planescrewwedgewheel and axlepulley- Inclined Plane: Simple machine that is flat, sloped surface or ramp.- Wedge: Simple machine consisting of an inclined plane that moves; can have one or two sloping slides.- Screw: Simple machines that is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder or post.- Lever: Simple machine consisting of a rigid rod or plank that pivots or rotates about a fixed point called the fulcrum.- Fulcrum: The fixed point about which lever pivots.- Wheel and Axle: Simple machine made from two circular objects of different diameters that are attached and rotate together.- Pulley: Simple machine made from a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around the groove.THIS IS THE RIGHT ANSWER IT WAS IN MY TEXTBOOK!a lever, inclined plane, a pulley, wedges, screws, and a wheel and axle.There are also gears but you would count them all the time. So dont.levers-~shovel~seesaw~baseball bat~pulling end of a hamerinclined planes-~ramps~steps~ladderswedges-~scissor blades~ax~knifepulley~flagpole rope~sail on a boat rope~elevatorwheel and axle-~wagon wheel~bike wheel~car wheel~wheel barrel wheelpulleyslever, pulley, wedge, screw, inclined plane, wheel and axleinclined plane: rampscrew:screwwheel n axel: steering wheelwedge :something shaped n a hammerpulley:cranelever: can opener, wheel barrow, broomThe simple machines are inclined plane, levers, wedge, screw, wheel and axle, pulley.A Knife- Y cut your food with it.A broom- you sweep trash and dirt with it.A pair of scissors- You cut paper with it.Basketball HoopBicycle ChainBottle OpenerBroomChairDrill BitPulleyStaplerScrewdriverHand DrillHammerScissorsFor the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section (Simple Machines) indicated below.It is a gear.A simple machine is a non-powered mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force. A simple machine uses a single applied force to do work against a single load force and can be a lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, or screw.