Where can i find a science fair project. ----
There is a vast range of positions you can get when you have a Bachelors Degree Mechatronics such as a position in schools, hospitals, manufacturing and production facilities. Depending on the skills set they are looking for because the degree incorporates electronic, mechanical, computer and control skills.
Dr Dee of Yale ;well, this is very complicated to answer, so i will put it into easy to answer terms. i dont know.
The mechanical pencil, invented by Derek L. Lozano and Francis P. Major, was in a science lab
Let me guess you got a science project you really dont wanna do and are looking for motavation and are doing it on your weekend hobby... dirtbikes. well trust me ive been there and theres hundreds of posibiities. my personal favorite is when you continue making small adjustments to the bike.(changing air filters hoses. etc) and see which way you can get the best gas m.p.gs
i mean what dont they not have to do with science i mean if we would just cancel the project then people would relize it i mean gosh what a bunch of lamos
there is no correlation between a good chef and a good scientist. A chef does need to understand some basic principles that are also used in science, but it does not mean they would be good at science.
A chef who is like an assistant but has the same skills as the actual chef. Like 2 chefs but one is helping the main cook.
Molecular Chef
You Can tell by How he/she by how the food tastes, & how he/she skills are in the kitchen.
go to culinary school
Who answer this is the answer
some skills need are science some skills need are science some skills need are science
Two important skills used in science are the skills of making accurate observations, and of logically analysing what you have observed.
a good memory speed and a good cook