There is no difference between a turning machine and a lathe. They are two names for the same kind of machine
There is no difference. A blower is just a term used for a supercharger. A compressor is any machine that compresses a gas for many different purposes. A supercharger in its many forms is a type of compressor
Machines are devices that need a person's attention when operating. Equipment are devices that do not need this attention. Examples: a refrigerator is equipment, a steel cutter is machine, a stove is equipment, a computer or a fax are machines; we call it anyway, "fax machine". Your car is machine/you operate it; your house, though, is "equipped with A/C and fan" because you do not pay attention to them when operating. The water heater is equipment. The pressure washer is machine, the air-compressor is equipment.
what is difference between lateral and longitudinal?
What is the Difference between technology innovation
what is the difference between drive and machine
There is no difference between a turning machine and a lathe. They are two names for the same kind of machine
difference between lathe and drill machine doing full on piece of metal
difference between lathe and drill machine doing full on piece of metal
TreeSet internally implements Balanced Tree Structure whereas TreeMap implements Red Hat Tree Data Structure.
difference between von neumann and harvard machine
The main difference between coherent and incoherent machine is the consistency in performance. A coherent machine has processors that work in a consistent manner.Ê
a engine runs a machine
The difference is where you live.
what is the difference between 201 and 201K
machine cant generate power where as engieen can
Lowongan Kerja 2013