Yes,It depends if it is gas fired or electric.
Guardian is the economy line of furnaces made by York. They are what they are - an economy line furnace. Don't confuse them as an equal to a Trane, Carrier or Lennox caliber of furnace. They are definitely built "cheaper" than those. However, I would put them as a step above Goodman, Tempstar, Whirlpool, and other bottom line furnaces. We sell YORK equipment and have been very pleased with the Guardian units. Not many intro line units can say they have a rating of 95.5% efficiency. Comparing the units to are other intro line (weatherking) and a friend of ours intro line (Goodman) they have a much heavier built cabinet and are much more versatile.
Well when I hear the word "Fired" used in reference to a boiler, it is used to describe the type of fuel used to heat the boiler (to fire it) such as a "Coal fired" or "Gas fired"
form_title=Boiler & Radiator Heating Installation form_header=7033 Do you want additional thermostatic controls in certain rooms?*= () Yes () No Would you like to know more about the project's green alternatives ?*= () Yes () No Please specify the type of boiler system to be installed.*= () Natural gas fired () Propane gas fired () Oil fired () Electric fired () Want Recommendation
wholly or partly surrounded by water
Peter L Langsjoen has written: 'Field tests of industrial stoker coal-fired boilers for emissions control and efficiency improvement, site E' -- subject(s): Coal-fired furnaces, Environmental aspects, Environmental aspects of Coal-fired furnaces, Flue gases, Fly ash, Measurement, Testing 'Field tests of industrial stoker coal-fired boilers for emissions control and efficiency improvement, site F' -- subject(s): Environmental aspects, Combustion, Coal, Furnaces
140,000 btu's (prox) per gallon of fuel. Factor in the efficiency of the furnace/ boiler to get the net heat to the space. lc
35% efficiency
Fuel efficiency in a gas furnace is measured in AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency). Furnaces primarily run on natural gas or electricity. Furnaces that are used to boil water are called boilers. The term furnace also refers to the various types of metallurgical furnaces, used for smelting and other metalworks, as well as industrial furnaces, which are used in various industrial applications such as chemical plants and providing heat to chemical reactions. Furnaces can be classified into four general categories, based on efficiency and design, natural draft, forced-air, forced draft, and condensing. The first category of furnaces are natural draft, atmospheric burner furnaces. These furnaces consisted of cast-iron or riveted-steel heat exchangers built within an outer shell of brick, masonry, or steel. The heat exchangers were vented through brick or masonry chimneys. Air circulation depended on large, upwardly pitched pipes constructed of wood or metal. The pipes would channel the warm air into floor or wall vents inside the home. This method of heating worked because warm air rises. The system was simple, had few controls, a single automatic gas valve, and no blower. These furnaces could be made to work with any fuel simply by adapting the burner area. They have been operated with wood, coke, coal, trash, paper, natural gas, fuel oil as well as whale oil for a brief period at the turn of the century. Furnaces that used solid fuels required daily maintenance to remove ash and "clinkers" that accumulated in the bottom of the burner area. In later years, these furnaces were adapted with electric blowers to aid air distribution and speed moving heat into the home. Gas and oil-fired systems were usually controlled by a thermostat inside the home
Seichi Konzo has written: 'Performance of a gas-fired forced-air heating system in research residence no. 1' -- subject(s): Hot-air heating, Testing, Furnaces 'Opportunities in mechanical engineering' -- subject(s): Vocational guidance, Mechanical engineering
Electric heating boilers can be a useful alternative to gas and other conventional furnaces. LPG and oil-fired boilers are also very efficient. Biomass boilers are also becoming popular.
Are there any motorized vehicles or gas fired furnaces? Then yes you are using fossil fuels.
Turn down ratio is the maximum to minimum heat output.Turn down ratio for direct gas fired burners is 25:1, which means that the burner can modulate from 4% to 100% of full fire. Indirect gas turn down ratio is typically 2:1, which limits the heat output from 50% to 100% of full fire. Mukesh Yadav
Archibald Cox
Bruce G. Miller has written: 'Clean coal engineering technology' -- subject(s): Clean coal technologies, Environmental aspects, Coal-fired power plants, Coal-fired furnaces, Coal
Yes,It depends if it is gas fired or electric.
M. Harmsworth has written: 'The seasonal efficiency of an oil fired boiler'