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Q: How loud are ge90 plane engines?
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What German plane had three propeller engines?

The Junkers J-52

What is the failure rate per thousand hours of operation for GA aircraft recip engines compared to PT6A type of engines?

About ten times. The flipside is that a plane with a PT6 in it costs a LOT more than a plane with a reciprocating engine.Most of the planes that run the PT6 are very different from those that run reciprocating engines; witness the Cessna Caravan. The only "comparable" planes I can think of are the Beech King Air 100 and Baron, and the Mooney Acclaim and Socata TBM850. In both cases, the turboprop is over twice the price of the piston plane. There are advantages to the turboprop, such as reliability and service ceiling, but that still doesn't change the fact that you're going to spend way more money on the plane.

What is the difference between a plane and a jet?

A Jet plane has no propellers. (Actually, there are 'prop-jets' on which propellers are powered by jet engines.)There is basically no difference in the airplane. The engines are different and sometimes the design of the wings or fuselage is different to allow for the different type engines. For example, early single-engine jets had their engines embedded within the fuselage so the air flow entered the nose or just under the wings and exited the tail after being ignited.Another difference is that Jet aircraft usually fly faster than propellor. The wings on propellor a/c are usually straight whereas the wings of jets are slanted aft. This improves aerodynamics when the jet approaches the speed of sound.

Gas and diesel engines are what type of engines?

Internal combustion.

What are the types of crankshaft?

2 types of crank shaft are there 1.same plane 2.cross plane crank shaft in cross plane crank shaft cranks are inclined at 90 degree and in same plane crank shaft cranks are in same plane. thnk u

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What are the most powerful jet engines?

General Electric GE90-115b and it is used on the Boeing 777-300ER.

Is it possible to re-engine a 747 with only 2 GE90?

No it is certified as a 4 engine aircraft it would require 4 engines

How loud is a plane?

it is loud about 140db

Does a plane have 5 engines?

A plane which has 2engines on their wings 1 is also in the Tail of the Plane same with if a planes wings had 4 engines it also has one in the Tail of the Plane

How loud is an Air India plane?

An Air Indian plane is not that loud actually. It sounds like it would sound in a bus!

How loud are jet engines?

Jet engines produce a variety of incredibly loud sounds. These sounds can potentially make you go deaf if you are too close.

How loud is a jet plane?

You cannot tell. It is not so loud in the distance.

How does plane flight?

it has engines

How does a plane move?

They have engines.

How many OGVs does GE90 have?

3 billion ennit

How loud was the Concord?

its the loudest plane

What sound do engines make?

the roar of the engines, or the vrooom!!!!!!!!!!!