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Because God saw that Saul was not completely obedient. See 1 Samuel ch.15.

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Q: Why was David anointed when Saul was still King?
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Why was David anointed king while king Saul was still in charge of the Israelites?

Because Saul had disobeyed God and had become arrogant, God commanded Samuel to go and anoint David. David was a young man when he was anointed as the future king. Another view: We call it revolution.

Who did anointed David as king?

the Prophet Samuel

Who was the greatest Israelite King anointed after the fall of Saul?

King David

Why was David anointed king while Saul was still in charge of the Israelite's?

Because Saul had disobeyed God and had become arrogant, God commanded Samuel to go and anoint David. David was a young man when he was anointed as the future king. Another view: We call it revolution.

What did David call King Saul after David spared his life?

anointed of God 1sam24v6

What man was anointed king and prophet?

Saul, the farmer boy of the Old Testament Unable to find Saul being anointed king and prophet. The man Christ Jesus was anointed prophet, priest, and king, but I can find no other reference to any other person. Saul was only anointed king, as was David and Solomon, etc.

Did Samuel annoint the first two kings of Israel?

Yes, Samuel anointed both Saul and David as the first two kings of Israel. He anointed Saul first, at God's instruction, but later also anointed David while Saul was still king.

Why saul sons did not succeed him?

Saul's sons, Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua, did not succeed him as king because they all died in battle against the Philistines, including Saul himself. After Saul's death, David was anointed as the next king of Israel.

Who was the first king anointed by Samuel?

Saul, the father of Jonathan, who was later replaced by David son of Jesse.

Did Saul anoint David as king of Israel?

Yes, Saul anointed David as the future king of Israel, in accordance with God's instructions. This event took place after David defeated Goliath and gained popularity among the people. However, David did not actually become king until after Saul's death.

Did David know when he was anointed by Samual that it was to be king?

Yes, David was anointed by Samuel with oil as the future king of Israel. Samuel anointed him in private, indicating that God had chosen him to be the next king after Saul.

Who was the last Judge who anointed two Kings?

The last Judge who anointed two Kings was the prophet Samuel. He anointed Saul as the first king of Israel and later anointed David as the second king.