

Why should you not kill yourself?

Updated: 10/17/2022
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12y ago

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You have so much to live for. How old are you? If you're still young, you really should live life to the fullest. I'm not one of those people saying 'YOLO' and all that crap, but Carpe Diem. Don't kill yourself. It will only make people sad, and you won't be happy. You would think that, 'I'll be happy when I'm dead', but no. You'll be sad by looking at people being sad. Sad shouldn't exist in this world. Don't kill yourself. You should just wait for it, and the average death age is around 80-85. Imagine all the new technology that there would be in 2060! C'mon, put that smile of yours back on your face.

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Do not kill yourself! Stabbing in the heart can give you serious injuries

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