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mathematics, just like all of the sciences is the human way of making sense of the world around us. we, as a species, feel the need to categorize and explain everything. math exists in nature, because we invented math to explain the wonder that is nature.

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Q: Why is there mathematics in nature?
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Application of mathematics in various fields of life?

Mathematics expresses itself everywhere,in almost every facet of life-in nature all around us,and in the technologies in our hands.Mathematics is the language of science and engineering.

How does physics and mathematics connect to electronics?

Physics is a branch of science which studies the nature and properties of matter. Electrons are constituent parts of matter and so their study is a part of physics. The behaviour of electrons is governed by mathematical rules and that is why mathematics is critical for electronics.

What is the reason for the relation of maths in nature?

1.the reason for the relation of maths in nature is that mathematics or math is needed in our daily lifelike this song hope you like it there is math in every day life in every day life we can add and subtract multiply and divide there is math in every day life in every day life..... in any place, we used math.......... 2.relation of maths and nature..... in everything we see in our nature are have commitment because they are many questions in our life how they formed, who do this things. all of this questions can answered in mathematics

What is the difference between math and physics?

Mathematics is the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics may be studied in its own right (pure mathematics), or as it is applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied mathematics). Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics, distinguished from that of chemistry and biology, includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms.

What did Kepler believe the relationship was between mathematics and the nature world?

He noticed that everything in the natural world had mathematical properties, and they could be used to study and measure everything.

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How is physics related to logic and mathematics?

Physics is a manifestation of the mathematics and logic of nature.

What concept of balanced form that exists in art architecture science nature and mathematics?

Shape and/or symmetry is the concept of balanced form that exists in art architecture science nature and mathematics.

The concept of balanced form in art nature and mathematics?


Who was a famous series whose mathematics occurs in nature?

The Fibonacci series.

Why are models helpful in mathematics?

Models are helpful because they describe nature

Contributions of Pythagoras?

HE liked to study the nature and numerology to the mathematics of the world.

What has the author M McArthur written?

M. McArthur has written: 'Mathematics from nature'

What is the relationship bn physics and mathematics?

The simplest explanation is this: physics is the use of mathematics to help explain everything around us beginning with the laws of nature

What is relation between science nature physics and mathematics?

physics attempts (and does a good job) to describe events observed in nature. Physics uses mathematics for some of the explanation. Gravitational attraction described by Newton used a math equation.

Is Mathematics important in understanding the Nature Explain?

Yes, it help you to know the nature by counting money, counting people, calculating distance calculating time

This concept of balanced form exists in art architectire science nature and mathematics?

The word is symmetry.

What has the author Max Block written?

Max Block has written: 'The importance of language' 'The nature of mathematics'