It is not backwards when the hands of the clock points towards it.
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : roman numeral number of 66 is : LXVI
Roman numeral IX is 9, so six would be VI, IIIIX or IVX.
VI is the Roman numeral equal to 6 (six)
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : roman numeral number of 66 is : LXVI
In roman numerals six is written as VI.
Roman numeral IX is 9, so six would be VI, IIIIX or IVX.
VI is the Roman numeral equal to 6 (six)
36 in Roman numerals is XXXVI.
VI is the Roman numeral for the number six. In Roman numerals, "V" represents five and "I" represents one, so when you put them together, you get six. It's as simple as that, honey.
As a Roman numeral it is: (VIII)DCLVI which means 8000+656 = 8656
In Roman numerals it is: 406 = CDVI
The Roman numeral for five is V and the numeral for one is I. Five is V, Six is five plus one or VI, and Seven is six plus another one or VII.