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Valid = fact from truth

problem truth can lie

if I was hot I'm god

I'm hot thus I'm god

Sound is just all factual

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Q: Why is the distinction between validity and soundness relative for us as learners of logic?
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What is the truth or soundness is called?

The truth of an argument is referred to as its validity, while the soundness of an argument requires both validity and true premises. A valid argument is one where the conclusion logically follows from the premises, while a sound argument is also based on true premises.

What is validate?

validate (v.) To declare or make legally valid.:To mark with an indication of official sanction.:To establish the soundness of; corroborate.

What is a basis for a conclusion?

A basis for a conclusion is the evidence, facts, or reasoning that supports the conclusion being drawn. It is the foundation upon which the conclusion is built and is used to demonstrate the validity and soundness of the conclusion.

What is meant by the term flaws?

The term flaws is meant to state that there is a deficiency or imperfection within in a object or thing. Another accurate definition is that flaws indicate a defect impairing legal soundness or validity.

When would an argument be considered valid?

An argument is considered valid when the conclusion logically follows from the premises provided. In other words, if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. Validity is a key criterion in determining the soundness of an argument.

What does the word flaw means?

-noun 1. a feature that mars the perfection of something; defect; fault: beauty without flaw; the flaws in our plan. 2. a defect impairing legal soundness or validity. 3. a crack, break, breach, or rent.

What does validity soundness and truth mean as they relate to the area of logical syllogisms?

When two points of view are syllogized, (a branch of logic) and if a reasonable deduction be found to satisfy both combatants, that would symbolize (to them) a sound truth as to the're points of view.

Who said critical thinking requires arguments?

Philosopher Bertrand Russell emphasized the importance of critical thinking in analyzing arguments. He wrote that to engage in critical thinking, one must be able to evaluate arguments objectively and assess their validity and soundness.

Why do you have to verify the conclusion?

Verifying the conclusion is important to ensure that it accurately reflects the information and reasoning provided in the argument. It helps to confirm that the conclusion logically follows from the premises and that it is supported by evidence. This verification process helps to strengthen the validity and soundness of the argument.