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A:The Bible could be considered objective because it gives more than just one side to a story, intentionally or otherwise. For example:
  • In the Book of Numbers, Moses sent spies to search the land of Canaan, but the narrative is actually two versions of the same story, by two different authors, blended together in the same book. As a result, there are two different reports about the land of Canaan and two different responses to those reports. The Yahwist Source was only interested in providing an account of the conquest of the future kingdom of Judah, and (Numbers 13:22-25) the spies travelled only as far north as Hebron in Judah. The Priestly Source, writing during the Babylonian Exile, wanted to further Judah's interest in reclaiming the former kingdom of Israel and always included Israel in his stories. In his story, the spies toured the entire Promised Land, 'from the Wilderness of Zin to the entrance to Hamath' (Numbers 13:21). There are many other differences in the two stories, but both are included.
  • The Books of Samuel and Kings provides a history of the monarchies from a Judahite perspective. The Books of Chronicles, written after the Babylonian Exile, is clearly based on the earlier History, but eliminates material that is too inclined to the Judah viewpoint, and adds new material that provides an Israelite perspective. However, the Books of Samuel and Kings are also included, thus providing the original Judahite perspective.
  • In the New Testament, Paul's epistles show him as preaching to the Gentiles from the very beginning of his mission. Balancing this, Acts of the Apostles shows Peter instigating the decision to preach to the Gentiles, with Paul waiting for that decision before he began his mission to the Gentiles.
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Q: Why is the Bible objective history?
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