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A:Some hold the view that The Bible was written entirely by God, while others say that God did not write or even inspire any of the Bible. Let's look at the evidence.

If any part of the Bible was written by God, it must have been the story of creation, since no person could possibly have known of these events. Yet scholars point out that there are two separate and quite irreconcilable stories of creation in the Book of Genesis (verses 1:1-2:4a and 2:4b-25), and that the two stories clearly had different authors. God would not have written two different stories of the same event, nor would he inspire two different authors to write different accounts.

The Book of Daniel is set during the Babylonian Exile and purports to describe events and miracles that occurred, yet scholars say it was a novel written during the second century BCE. Similarly the Book of Esther.

For Christians, it is an article of faith that the four New Testament gospels were inspired by God, yet it is now known that Matthew and Luke were actually based on Mark's Gospel. John, in turn, was loosely based on Luke. So loosely in fact, that Origen (Commentary on John) was moved to say in its defence, "although he does not always tell the truth literally, he always tells it spiritually".

God wrote none of the Bible. There is no reason to imagine he might have written 'more' of it.


The question may be taken a couple of different ways: one, suggesting that the Bible isn't big enough and that God should have added more to it.

Another way, that maybe God should have written more Himself, rather than inspire men to write.

The Bible tells us that the scriptures are the Living Words that have proceeded out of the mouth of God by which men might "Believe" and "Live."

"...He humbled you by letting you go hungry and then feeding you with manna, a food previously unknown to both you and your ancestors. He did it to help you realize that food isn't everything, and that Real Life comes by obeying every Commandment of God." (Deut.8:3 LVB Living Bible)

(same verse KJV): "...that He might make thee know that man doth not Live by bread only, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man Live."

Before the Bible was "written down"... the Words and Commandments of God were known to man, VERBALLY. For instance, SIN [which Adam and Eve were the first humans to commit it] is the TRANSGRESSION [breaking] of the Law[which is the Ten Commandments] - I John 3:4.

They were "commanded" by God, verbally, regarding His laws. "...the Lord God COMMANDED the man..." (Gen.2:16).

Noah also was aware of God's "verbal" laws regarding "clean and unclean meat"... animals that are both fit or unfit, respectively, for physical human consumption [see Gen.7:2]. This was millennia before Moses was [and others as time passed] recruited by God to "write it down" for you and I in these last days so distantly removed from the beginning, that we would have otherwise "forgotten" it all. [and many men have, forgotten, because they don't read it, today]

"This is he [Moses], that was in the church in the wilderness... who received the Lively Oracles [the Words of God that he wrote down; the BIBLE] TO GIVE TO US..." (Acts.7:38).

The Truth is... God didn't write ANY of the Bible... but called MEN to do it all. The only thing the Bible says that God wrote, Personally, were the Ten Commandments that He gave to Moses... burning, etching and carving [laser? however it was done] them into STONE tablets.

" God finished speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai, He gave him the two tablets of stone on which the Ten Commandments were WRITTEN WITH THE FINGER OF GOD." (Ex.31:18 LVB)

That's all that God Personally wrote down, Himself.

God solely recruited MEN to record the "books of the Bible" with the Words that proceeded out of His mouth for the latter day generations of the Faithful to Believe and Know about Him. The rest of unbelieving mankind will have those inspired books opened for them in the Last Day [Judgment Day - see Rev.20:12]... when there will not be any UN-believers around anywhere in the world.

As for possibly questioning the length of the Bible... it's just the right size and has just the right content for Faithful men to become acquainted with man's Creator, Jesus Christ, and His Father [John 1:3]. It tells man about the beginning of God's plan [Genesis]. It tells man about the conclusion of God's plan [Revelation]. And it tells man all the advance information he needs to know regarding the pertinent details of that plan [the Prophets].

The Bible doesn't NEED to be any bigger for God's present purposes. It COULD BE, of course... according to the Bible.

"...I saw these events and have recorded them here. And we all know that my account of these things is accurate. And I suppose that if all the other events in Jesus' Life were written, THE WHOLE WORLD COULD HARDLY CONTAIN THE BOOKS!" (John 21:24-25 LVB)

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